BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit c002a560 by Robert Speicher

Merge branch 'complexity/enable-multiple-rubocop-cops' into 'master'

Enable multiple Rubocop cops that can be enabled See This enabled following cops: ```text Lint/CircularArgumentReference: Description: Default values in optional keyword arguments and optional ordinal arguments ---------------- Lint/ConditionPosition: Description: Checks for condition placed in a confusing position relative to the keyword. StyleGuide: ---------------- Lint/Debugger: Description: Check for debugger calls. ---------------- Lint/DefEndAlignment: Description: Align ends corresponding to defs correctly. ---------------- Lint/DuplicateMethods: Description: Check for duplicate method definitions. ---------------- Lint/DuplicatedKey: Description: Check for duplicate keys in hash literals. ---------------- Lint/EachWithObjectArgument: Description: Check for immutable argument given to each_with_object. ---------------- Lint/ElseLayout: Description: Check for odd code arrangement in an else block. ---------------- Lint/EmptyEnsure: Description: Checks for empty ensure block. ---------------- Lint/EmptyInterpolation: Description: Checks for empty string interpolation. ---------------- Lint/EndAlignment: Description: Align ends correctly. ---------------- Lint/EndInMethod: Description: END blocks should not be placed inside method definitions. ---------------- Lint/EnsureReturn: Description: Do not use return in an ensure block. StyleGuide: ---------------- Lint/Eval: Description: The use of eval represents a serious security risk. ---------------- Lint/FloatOutOfRange: Description: Catches floating-point literals too large or small for Ruby to represent. ---------------- Lint/FormatParameterMismatch: Description: The number of parameters to format/sprint must match the fields. ---------------- Lint/ImplicitStringConcatenation: Description: Checks for adjacent string literals on the same line, which could better be represented as a single string literal. ---------------- Lint/InvalidCharacterLiteral: Description: Checks for invalid character literals with a non-escaped whitespace character. ---------------- Lint/LiteralInInterpolation: Description: Checks for literals used in interpolation. ---------------- Lint/NestedMethodDefinition: Description: Do not use nested method definitions. StyleGuide: ---------------- Lint/NextWithoutAccumulator: Description: Do not omit the accumulator when calling `next` in a `reduce`/`inject` block. ---------------- Lint/RandOne: Description: Checks for `rand(1)` calls. Such calls always return `0` and most likely a mistake. ---------------- Lint/RequireParentheses: Description: Use parentheses in the method call to avoid confusion about precedence. ---------------- Lint/UnreachableCode: Description: Unreachable code. ---------------- Lint/UselessComparison: Description: Checks for comparison of something with itself. ---------------- Lint/UselessElseWithoutRescue: Description: Checks for useless `else` in `begin..end` without `rescue`. ---------------- Lint/UselessSetterCall: Description: Checks for useless setter call to a local variable. ---------------- Lint/Void: Description: Possible use of operator/literal/variable in void context. ---------------- Performance/DoubleStartEndWith: Description: Use `str.{start,end}_with?(x, ..., y, ...)` instead of `str.{start,end}_with?(x, ...) || str.{start,end}_with?(y, ...)`. ---------------- Performance/RedundantSortBy: Description: Use `sort` instead of `sort_by { |x| x }`. ---------------- Rails/FindBy: Description: Prefer find_by over where.first. Include: - app/models/**/*.rb ---------------- Rails/FindEach: Description: Prefer all.find_each over all.find. Include: - app/models/**/*.rb ---------------- Rails/PluralizationGrammar: Description: Checks for incorrect grammar when using methods like ``. ---------------- Rails/ScopeArgs: Description: Checks the arguments of ActiveRecord scopes. Include: - app/models/**/*.rb ``` See merge request !4261
parents 18ac02a3 da5943fc
......@@ -772,19 +772,19 @@ Lint/BlockAlignment:
# Default values in optional keyword arguments and optional ordinal arguments
# should not refer back to the name of the argument.
Enabled: false
Enabled: true
# Checks for condition placed in a confusing position relative to the keyword.
Enabled: false
Enabled: true
# Check for debugger calls.
Enabled: false
Enabled: true
# Align ends corresponding to defs correctly.
Enabled: false
Enabled: true
# Check for deprecated class method calls.
......@@ -800,15 +800,15 @@ Lint/DuplicatedKey:
# Check for immutable argument given to each_with_object.
Enabled: false
Enabled: true
# Check for odd code arrangement in an else block.
Enabled: false
Enabled: true
# Checks for empty ensure block.
Enabled: false
Enabled: true
# Checks for empty string interpolation.
......@@ -816,37 +816,36 @@ Lint/EmptyInterpolation:
# Align ends correctly.
Enabled: false
Enabled: true
# END blocks should not be placed inside method definitions.
Enabled: false
Enabled: true
# Do not use return in an ensure block.
Enabled: false
Enabled: true
# The use of eval represents a serious security risk.
Enabled: false
Enabled: true
# Catches floating-point literals too large or small for Ruby to represent.
Enabled: false
Enabled: true
# The number of parameters to format/sprint must match the fields.
Enabled: false
Enabled: true
# Don't suppress exception.
Enabled: false
# TODO: Enable ImplicitStringConcatenation Cop.
# Checks for adjacent string literals on the same line, which could better be
# represented as a single string literal.
Enabled: false
Enabled: true
# TODO: Enable IneffectiveAccessModifier Cop.
# Checks for attempts to use `private` or `protected` to set the visibility
......@@ -857,7 +856,7 @@ Lint/IneffectiveAccessModifier:
# Checks for invalid character literals with a non-escaped whitespace
# character.
Enabled: false
Enabled: true
# Checks of literals used in conditions.
......@@ -865,7 +864,7 @@ Lint/LiteralInCondition:
# Checks for literals used in interpolation.
Enabled: false
Enabled: true
# Use Kernel#loop with break rather than begin/end/until or begin/end/while
# for post-loop tests.
......@@ -874,11 +873,11 @@ Lint/Loop:
# Do not use nested method definitions.
Enabled: false
Enabled: true
# Do not omit the accumulator when calling `next` in a `reduce`/`inject` block.
Enabled: false
Enabled: true
# Checks for method calls with a space before the opening parenthesis.
......@@ -887,11 +886,11 @@ Lint/ParenthesesAsGroupedExpression:
# Checks for `rand(1)` calls. Such calls always return `0` and most likely
# a mistake.
Enabled: false
Enabled: true
# Use parentheses in the method call to avoid confusion about precedence.
Enabled: false
Enabled: true
# Avoid rescuing the Exception class.
......@@ -926,7 +925,7 @@ Lint/UnusedMethodArgument:
# Unreachable code.
Enabled: false
Enabled: true
# Checks for useless access modifiers.
......@@ -938,19 +937,19 @@ Lint/UselessAssignment:
# Checks for comparison of something with itself.
Enabled: false
Enabled: true
# Checks for useless `else` in `begin..end` without `rescue`.
Enabled: false
Enabled: true
# Checks for useless setter call to a local variable.
Enabled: false
Enabled: true
# Possible use of operator/literal/variable in void context.
Enabled: false
Enabled: true
##################### Performance ############################
......@@ -959,11 +958,10 @@ Lint/Void:
Enabled: true
# TODO: Enable DoubleStartEndWith Cop.
# Use `str.{start,end}_with?(x, ..., y, ...)` instead of
# `str.{start,end}_with?(x, ...) || str.{start,end}_with?(y, ...)`.
Enabled: false
Enabled: true
# TODO: Enable EndWith Cop.
# Use `end_with?` instead of a regex match anchored to the end of a string.
......@@ -996,10 +994,9 @@ Performance/RedundantMerge:
MaxKeyValuePairs: 2
Enabled: false
# TODO: Enable RedundantSortBy Cop.
# Use `sort` instead of `sort_by { |x| x }`.
Enabled: false
Enabled: true
# Use `start_with?` instead of a regex match anchored to the beginning of a
# string.
......@@ -1040,11 +1037,11 @@ Rails/Delegate:
# Prefer `find_by` over `where.first`.
Enabled: false
Enabled: true
# Prefer `all.find_each` over `all.find`.
Enabled: false
Enabled: true
# Prefer has_many :through to has_and_belongs_to_many.
......@@ -1056,7 +1053,7 @@ Rails/Output:
# Checks for incorrect grammar when using methods like ``.
Enabled: false
Enabled: true
# Checks for `read_attribute(:attr)` and `write_attribute(:attr, val)`.
......@@ -1064,7 +1061,7 @@ Rails/ReadWriteAttribute:
# Checks the arguments of ActiveRecord scopes.
Enabled: false
Enabled: true
# Checks the correct usage of time zone aware methods.
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