BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit bdb06fa0 by Grzegorz Bizon

Improve build specs for job environment variables

parent 1f324864
......@@ -240,8 +240,11 @@ describe Ci::Build, models: true do
context 'when job variables are defined' do
# Job-level variables are defined in gitlab_ci.yml fixture
context 'when job variables are unique' do
before { allow(build).to receive(:name) { 'staging' } }
let(:build) { create(:ci_build, name: 'staging') }
it 'includes job variables' do
expect(subject).to include(
......@@ -252,7 +255,7 @@ describe Ci::Build, models: true do
context 'when job variable has same key other variable has' do
before { allow(build).to receive(:name) { 'production' } }
let(:build) { create(:ci_build, name: 'production') }
it 'contains job yaml variable' do
expect(subject).to include(key: :DB_NAME, value: 'mysql',
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