BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit b8ea26f7 by dosire

Merge branch 'master' into readable-doc-readme

Conflicts: doc/
parents d54e3f36 dc8bd607
......@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ v 6.8.0
- Drop all tables before restoring a Postgres backup
- Make the repository downloads path configurable
- Create branches via API (sponsored by O'Reilly Media)
- Changed permission of gitlab-satellites directory not to be world accessible
v 6.7.2
- Fix upgrader script
......@@ -12,8 +12,6 @@ gem "rails", "~> 4.0.0"
gem "protected_attributes"
gem 'rails-observers'
gem 'actionpack-page_caching'
gem 'actionpack-action_caching'
# Default values for AR models
gem "default_value_for", "~> 3.0.0"
......@@ -27,10 +27,6 @@ GEM
erubis (~> 2.7.0)
rack (~> 1.5.2)
rack-test (~> 0.6.2)
actionpack-action_caching (1.1.0)
actionpack (>= 4.0.0, < 5.0)
actionpack-page_caching (1.0.2)
actionpack (>= 4.0.0, < 5)
activemodel (4.0.3)
activesupport (= 4.0.3)
builder (~> 3.1.0)
......@@ -567,8 +563,6 @@ PLATFORMS
annotate (~> 2.6.0.beta2)
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* This is a manifest file that'll automatically include all the stylesheets available in this directory
* and any sub-directories. You're free to add application-wide styles to this file and they'll appear at
* the top of the compiled file, but it's generally better to create a new file per style scope.
*= require jquery.ui.gitlab
*= require jquery.ui.datepicker
*= require jquery.atwho
*= require select2
*= require highlightjs.min
......@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@
@import "generic/forms.scss";
@import "generic/selects.scss";
@import "generic/highlight.scss";
@import "generic/jquery.scss";
* Page specific styles (issues, projects etc):
.ui-widget {
font-family: $regular_font;
font-size: $font-size-base;
&.ui-datepicker-inline {
border: 1px solid #DDD;
padding: 10px;
width: 270px;
.ui-datepicker-header {
background: #EEE;
border-color: #DDD;
.ui-datepicker-calendar td a {
padding: 5px;
text-align: center;
/** Typo **/
$monospace_font: 'Menlo', 'Liberation Mono', 'Consolas', 'Courier New', 'andale mono', 'lucida console', monospace;
$regular_font: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ module MergeRequestsHelper
source_branch: event.branch_name,
target_branch: target_project.repository.root_ref,
title: event.branch_name.humanize
title: event.branch_name.titleize.humanize
......@@ -20,6 +20,11 @@
= form_tag project_issues_path(@project), method: :get, id: "issue_search_form", class: 'pull-left issue-search-form' do
= search_field_tag :issue_search, nil, { placeholder: 'Filter by title or description', class: 'form-control issue_search search-text-input input-mn-300' }
= hidden_field_tag :state, params['state']
= hidden_field_tag :scope, params['scope']
= hidden_field_tag :assignee_id, params['assignee_id']
= hidden_field_tag :milestone_id, params['milestone_id']
= hidden_field_tag :label_id, params['label_id']
- if can? current_user, :write_issue, @project
= link_to new_project_issue_path(@project, issue: { assignee_id: params[:assignee_id], milestone_id: params[:milestone_id]}), class: "btn btn-new pull-left", title: "New Issue", id: "new_issue_link" do
......@@ -3,5 +3,5 @@
var mrTitle = $('#merge_request_title');
if(mrTitle.val().length == 0) {
......@@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ module Gitlab
config.assets.enabled = true
config.assets.paths << Emoji.images_path
config.assets.precompile << "emoji/*.png"
config.assets.precompile << "print.css"
# Version of your assets, change this if you want to expire all your assets
config.assets.version = '1.0'
......@@ -202,6 +202,7 @@ You can change `6-6-stable` to `master` if you want the *bleeding edge* version,
# Create directory for satellites
sudo -u git -H mkdir /home/git/gitlab-satellites
sudo chmod o-rwx /home/git/gitlab-satellites
# Create directories for sockets/pids and make sure GitLab can write to them
sudo -u git -H mkdir tmp/pids/
+ [Workflow](workflow/
+ [Project Features](workflow/
When in a Project -> Settings, you will find Features on the bottom of the page that you can toggle.
Below you will find a more elaborate explanation of each of these.
## Issues
Issues is a really powerful, but lightweight issue tracking system.
You can make tickets, assign them to people, file them under milestones, order them with labels and have discussion in them.
They integrate deeply into GitLab and are easily referenced from anywhere by using # and the issuenumber.
At, we use this for all our project management needs.
## Merge Requests
Using a merge request, you can review and discuss code before it is merged in the branch of your code.
As with issues, it can be assigned; people, issues, etc. can be refereced; milestones attached.
We see it as an integral part of working together on code and couldn't work without it.
## Wiki
This is a separate system for documentation, built right into GitLab.
It is source controlled and is very convenient if you don't want to keep you documentation in your source code, but you do want to keep it in your GitLab project.
## Wall
For simple, project specific conversations, the wall can be used.
It's very lightweight and simple and works well if you're not interested in using issues, but still want to occasionally communicate within a project.
## Snippets
Snippets are little bits of code or text.
This is a nice place to put code or text that is used semi-regularly within the project, but does not belong in source control.
For example, a specific config file that is used by > the team that is only valid for the people that work on the code.
......@@ -342,6 +342,7 @@ namespace :gitlab do
......@@ -443,6 +444,29 @@ namespace :gitlab do
def check_satellites_permissions
print "Satellites access is drwxr-x---? ... "
satellites_path = Gitlab.config.satellites.path
unless File.exists?(satellites_path)
puts "can't check because of previous errors".magenta
if File.stat(satellites_path).mode.to_s(8).ends_with?("0750")
puts "yes".green
puts "no".red
"sudo chmod u+rwx,g+rx,o-rwx #{satellites_path}",
see_installation_guide_section "GitLab"
def check_repo_base_user_and_group
gitlab_shell_ssh_user = Gitlab.config.gitlab_shell.ssh_user
gitlab_shell_owner_group = Gitlab.config.gitlab_shell.owner_group
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