BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit b6628b4a by Valeriy Sizov

Merge pull request #1797 from sholden/patch-2

Fix broken Note scopes with lambdas, 4.0 compat
parents 5add5f76 2335d7b9
......@@ -23,13 +23,13 @@ class Note < ActiveRecord::Base
mount_uploader :attachment, AttachmentUploader
# Scopes
scope :common, where(noteable_id: nil)
scope :today, where("created_at >= :date", date:
scope :last_week, where("created_at >= :date", date: ( - 7.days))
scope :common, ->{ where(noteable_id: nil) }
scope :today, ->{ where("created_at >= :date", date: }
scope :last_week, ->{ where("created_at >= :date", date: ( - 7.days)) }
scope :since, ->(day) { where("created_at >= :date", date: (day)) }
scope :fresh, order("created_at ASC, id ASC")
scope :inc_author_project, includes(:project, :author)
scope :inc_author, includes(:author)
scope :fresh, ->{ order("created_at ASC, id ASC") }
scope :inc_author_project, ->{ includes(:project, :author) }
scope :inc_author, ->{ includes(:author) }
def self.create_status_change_note(noteable, author, status)
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