BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit b60c1462 by Tomasz Maczukin

Change :variable_id to :key as resource ID in API

parent 16bd4df0
......@@ -18,8 +18,12 @@ module Ci
belongs_to :project, class_name: '::Project', foreign_key: :gl_project_id
validates_presence_of :key
validates_uniqueness_of :key, scope: :gl_project_id
validates :key,
presence: true,
length: { within: 0..255 },
format: { with: /\A[a-zA-Z0-9_]+\z/,
message: "can contain only letters, digits and '_'." }
attr_encrypted :value, mode: :per_attribute_iv_and_salt, key: Gitlab::Application.secrets.db_key_base
......@@ -22,19 +22,12 @@ module API
# Parameters:
# id (required) - The ID of a project
# variable_id (required) - The ID OR `key` of variable to show; if variable_id contains only digits it's treated
# as ID other ways it's treated as `key`
# key (required) - The `key` of variable
# Example Request:
# GET /projects/:id/variables/:variable_id
get ':id/variables/:variable_id' do
variable_id = params[:variable_id]
variables = user_project.variables
variables =
if variable_id.match(/^\d+$/)
variables.where(id: variable_id.to_i)
variables.where(key: variable_id)
# GET /projects/:id/variables/:key
get ':id/variables/:key' do
key = params[:key]
variables = user_project.variables.where(key: key)
return not_found!('Variable') if variables.empty?
......@@ -45,8 +38,8 @@ module API
# Parameters:
# id (required) - The ID of a project
# key (required) - The key of variable being created
# value (required) - The value of variable being created
# key (required) - The key of variable
# value (required) - The value of variable
# Example Request:
# POST /projects/:id/variables
post ':id/variables' do
......@@ -63,17 +56,15 @@ module API
# Parameters:
# id (required) - The ID of a project
# variable_id (required) - The ID of a variable
# key (optional) - new value for `key` field of variable
# value (optional) - new value for `value` field of variable
# key (optional) - The `key` of variable
# value (optional) - New value for `value` field of variable
# Example Request:
# PUT /projects/:id/variables/:variable_id
put ':id/variables/:variable_id' do
variable = user_project.variables.where(id: params[:variable_id].to_i).first
# PUT /projects/:id/variables/:key
put ':id/variables/:key' do
variable = user_project.variables.where(key: params[:key]).first
return not_found!('Variable') unless variable
variable.key = params[:key]
variable.value = params[:value]!
......@@ -84,11 +75,11 @@ module API
# Parameters:
# id (required) - The ID of a project
# variable_id (required) - The ID of a variable
# key (required) - The ID of a variable
# Exanoke Reqyest:
# DELETE /projects/:id/variables/:variable_id
delete ':id/variables/:variable_id' do
variable = user_project.variables.where(id: params[:variable_id].to_i).first
# DELETE /projects/:id/variables/:key
delete ':id/variables/:key' do
variable = user_project.variables.where(key: params[:key]).first
return not_found!('Variable') unless variable
......@@ -37,26 +37,17 @@ describe API::API, api: true do
describe 'GET /projects/:id/variables/:variable_id' do
describe 'GET /projects/:id/variables/:key' do
context 'authorized user with proper permissions' do
it 'should return project variable details when ID is used as :variable_id' do
get api("/projects/#{}/variables/#{}", user)
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
expect(json_response['key']).to eq(variable.key)
expect(json_response['value']).to eq(variable.value)
it 'should return project variable details when `key` is used as :variable_id' do
it 'should return project variable details' do
get api("/projects/#{}/variables/#{variable.key}", user)
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
expect(json_response['id']).to eq(
expect(json_response['value']).to eq(variable.value)
it 'should responde with 404 Not Found if requesting non-existing variable' do
get api("/projects/#{}/variables/9999", user)
get api("/projects/#{}/variables/non_existing_variable", user)
expect(response.status).to eq(404)
......@@ -64,7 +55,7 @@ describe API::API, api: true do
context 'authorized user with invalid permissions' do
it 'should not return project variable details' do
get api("/projects/#{}/variables/#{}", user2)
get api("/projects/#{}/variables/#{variable.key}", user2)
expect(response.status).to eq(403)
......@@ -72,7 +63,7 @@ describe API::API, api: true do
context 'unauthorized user' do
it 'should not return project variable details' do
get api("/projects/#{}/variables/#{}")
get api("/projects/#{}/variables/#{variable.key}")
expect(response.status).to eq(401)
......@@ -117,26 +108,23 @@ describe API::API, api: true do
describe 'PUT /projects/:id/variables/:variable_id' do
describe 'PUT /projects/:id/variables/:key' do
context 'authorized user with proper permissions' do
it 'should update variable data' do
initial_variable = project.variables.first
key_before = initial_variable.key
value_before = initial_variable.value
put api("/projects/#{}/variables/#{}", user), key: 'TEST_VARIABLE_1_UP', value: 'VALUE_1_UP'
put api("/projects/#{}/variables/#{variable.key}", user), value: 'VALUE_1_UP'
updated_variable = project.variables.first
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
expect(key_before).to eq(variable.key)
expect(value_before).to eq(variable.value)
expect(updated_variable.key).to eq('TEST_VARIABLE_1_UP')
expect(updated_variable.value).to eq('VALUE_1_UP')
it 'should responde with 404 Not Found if requesting non-existing variable' do
put api("/projects/#{}/variables/9999", user)
put api("/projects/#{}/variables/non_existing_variable", user)
expect(response.status).to eq(404)
......@@ -144,7 +132,7 @@ describe API::API, api: true do
context 'authorized user with invalid permissions' do
it 'should not update variable' do
put api("/projects/#{}/variables/#{}", user2)
put api("/projects/#{}/variables/#{variable.key}", user2)
expect(response.status).to eq(403)
......@@ -152,24 +140,24 @@ describe API::API, api: true do
context 'unauthorized user' do
it 'should not update variable' do
put api("/projects/#{}/variables/#{}")
put api("/projects/#{}/variables/#{variable.key}")
expect(response.status).to eq(401)
describe 'DELETE /projects/:id/variables/:variable_id' do
describe 'DELETE /projects/:id/variables/:key' do
context 'authorized user with proper permissions' do
it 'should delete variable' do
expect do
delete api("/projects/#{}/variables/#{}", user)
delete api("/projects/#{}/variables/#{variable.key}", user) change{project.variables.count}.by(-1)
expect(response.status).to eq(200)
it 'should responde with 404 Not Found if requesting non-existing variable' do
delete api("/projects/#{}/variables/9999", user)
delete api("/projects/#{}/variables/non_existing_variable", user)
expect(response.status).to eq(404)
......@@ -177,7 +165,7 @@ describe API::API, api: true do
context 'authorized user with invalid permissions' do
it 'should not delete variable' do
delete api("/projects/#{}/variables/#{}", user2)
delete api("/projects/#{}/variables/#{variable.key}", user2)
expect(response.status).to eq(403)
......@@ -185,7 +173,7 @@ describe API::API, api: true do
context 'unauthorized user' do
it 'should not delete variable' do
delete api("/projects/#{}/variables/#{}")
delete api("/projects/#{}/variables/#{variable.key}")
expect(response.status).to eq(401)
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