BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit b43e918a by Marin Jankovski

Merge pull request #7815 from Razer6/zen/fix_scroll_position

Save last scrollposition and scroll back when leaving ZEN mode
parents 560c41cc 28ba985e
......@@ -4,10 +4,16 @@ class @ZenMode
constructor: ->
@active_zen_area = null
@active_checkbox = null
@scroll_position = 0
$(window).scroll =>
if not @active_checkbox
@scroll_position = window.pageYOffset
$('body').on 'change', '.zennable input[type=checkbox]', (e) =>
checkbox = e.currentTarget
if checkbox.checked
# Disable other keyboard shortcuts in ZEN mode
......@@ -34,6 +40,7 @@ class @ZenMode
@active_zen_area = null
@active_checkbox = null
window.location.hash = ''
window.scrollTo(window.pageXOffset, @scroll_position)
checkboxFromLocationHash: (e) ->
id = $.trim(window.location.hash.replace('#' + ZenMode.fullscreen_prefix, ''))
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