BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit b3abbe13 by Marcia Ramos

link to tech articles description

parent f6d06ad4
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ All technical content published by GitLab lives in the documentation, including:
- [User docs](#user-documentation): general documentation dedicated to regular users of GitLab
- [Admin docs](#administrator-documentation): general documentation dedicated to administrators of GitLab instances
- [Contributor docs](#contributor-documentation): general documentation on how to develop and contribute to GitLab
- **Technical Articles**
- **[Technical Articles](development/**
- User guides: technical content to guide regular users from point A to point B
- Admin guides: technical content to guide administrators of GitLab instances from point A to point B
- Technical Overviews: technical content describing features, solutions, and third-party integrations
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