BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit b3309bb2 by Filipa Lacerda

Adjustments to receive new data schema

parent efa05023
......@@ -69,12 +69,10 @@ require('./environment_item');
* Toggles loading property.
created() {
gl.environmentsService = new EnvironmentsService(this.endpoint);
const scope = this.$options.getQueryParameter('scope') || this.visibility;
const endpoint = `${this.endpoint}?scope=${scope}`;
const scope = this.$options.getQueryParameter('scope');
if (scope) {;
gl.environmentsService = new EnvironmentsService(endpoint);
this.isLoading = true;
......@@ -82,6 +80,8 @@ require('./environment_item');
.then(resp => resp.json())
.then((json) => {;
.then(() => {
this.isLoading = false;
.catch(() => {
......@@ -165,8 +165,7 @@ require('./environment_item');
<a v-if="canCreateEnvironmentParsed"
class="btn btn-create js-new-environment-button">
New Environment
......@@ -174,7 +173,7 @@ require('./environment_item');
<div class="table-holder"
v-if="!isLoading && state.filteredEnvironments.length > 0">
v-if="!isLoading && state.environments.length > 0">
<table class="table ci-table environments">
......@@ -187,31 +186,15 @@ require('./environment_item');
<template v-for="model in state.filteredEnvironments"
<template v-for="model in state.environments"
<tr is="environment-item"
<tr v-if="model.isOpen && model.children && model.children.length > 0"
v-for="children in model.children"
......@@ -10,181 +10,41 @@
this.state.environments = [];
this.state.stoppedCounter = 0;
this.state.availableCounter = 0;
this.state.visibility = 'available';
this.state.filteredEnvironments = [];
return this;
* In order to display a tree view we need to modify the received
* data in to a tree structure based on `environment_type`
* sorted alphabetically.
* In each children a `vue-` property will be added. This property will be
* used to know if an item is a children mostly for css purposes. This is
* needed because the children row is a fragment instance and therfore does
* not accept non-prop attributes.
* Stores the received environments.
* @example
* it will transform this:
* [
* { name: "environment", environment_type: "review" },
* { name: "environment_1", environment_type: null }
* { name: "environment_2, environment_type: "review" }
* ]
* into this:
* [
* { name: "review", children:
* [
* { name: "environment", environment_type: "review", vue-isChildren: true},
* { name: "environment_2", environment_type: "review", vue-isChildren: true}
* ]
* },
* {name: "environment_1", environment_type: null}
* ]
* Each environment has the following schema
* { name: String, size: Number, latest: Object }
* If the `size` is bigger than 1, it means it should be rendered as a folder.
* In those cases we add `isFolder` key in order to render it properly.
* @param {Array} environments List of environments.
* @returns {Array} Tree structured array with the received environments.
* @param {Array} environments
* @returns {Array}
storeEnvironments(environments = []) {
this.state.stoppedCounter = this.countByState(environments, 'stopped');
this.state.availableCounter = this.countByState(environments, 'available');
const environmentsTree = environments.reduce((acc, environment) => {
if (environment.environment_type !== null) {
const occurs = acc.filter(element => element.children && === environment.environment_type);
environment['vue-isChildren'] = true;
if (occurs.length) {
} else {
name: environment.environment_type,
children: [environment],
isOpen: false,
'vue-isChildren': environment['vue-isChildren'],
} else {
return acc;
}, []).slice().sort(this.sortByName);
this.state.environments = environmentsTree;
return environmentsTree;
storeVisibility(visibility) {
this.state.visibility = visibility;
* Given the visibility prop provided by the url query parameter and which
* changes according to the active tab we need to filter which environments
* should be visible.
* The environments array is a recursive tree structure and we need to filter
* both root level environments and children environments.
* In order to acomplish that, both `filterState` and `filterEnvironmentsByVisibility`
* functions work together.
* The first one works as the filter that verifies if the given environment matches
* the given state.
* The second guarantees both root level and children elements are filtered as well.
* Given array of environments will return only
* the environments that match the state stored.
* @param {Array} array
* @return {Array}
filterEnvironmentsByVisibility(arr) {
const filteredEnvironments = => {
if (item.children) {
const filteredChildren = this.filterEnvironmentsByVisibility(
if (filteredChildren.length) {
item.children = filteredChildren;
return item;
return this.filterState(this.state.visibility, item);
this.state.filteredEnvironments = filteredEnvironments;
return filteredEnvironments;
* Given the state and the environment,
* returns only if the environment state matches the one provided.
* @param {String} state
* @param {Object} environment
* @return {Object}
filterState(state, environment) {
return environment.state === state && environment;
* Toggles folder open property given the environment type.
* @param {String} envType
* @return {Array}
toggleFolder(envType) {
const environments = this.state.environments;
const environmentsCopy = => {
if (env['vue-isChildren'] && === envType) {
env.isOpen = !env.isOpen;
const filteredEnvironments = => {
if (env.size > 1) {
return Object.assign({}, env, { isFolder: true });
return env;
this.state.environments = environmentsCopy;
this.state.environments = filteredEnvironments;
return environmentsCopy;
return filteredEnvironments;
* Given an array of environments, returns the number of environments
* that have the given state.
* @param {Array} environments
* @param {String} state
* @returns {Number}
countByState(environments, state) {
return environments.filter(env => env.state === state).length;
storeCounts() {
* Sorts the two objects provided by their name.
* @param {Object} a
* @param {Object} b
* @returns {Number}
sortByName(a, b) {
const nameA =;
const nameB =;
return nameA < nameB ? -1 : nameA > nameB ? 1 : 0; // eslint-disable-line
......@@ -110,17 +110,19 @@
.children-row .environment-name {
margin-left: 17px;
margin-right: -17px;
.folder-icon {
padding: 0 5px 0 0;
margin-right: 3px;
color: $gl-text-color-secondary;
.fa:nth-child(1) {
margin-right: 3px;
.folder-name {
cursor: pointer;
text-decoration: none;
color: $gl-text-color-secondary;
......@@ -135,4 +137,4 @@
margin-right: 0;
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -14,33 +14,13 @@ describe('Environment item', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
mockItem = {
name: 'review',
children: [
name: 'review-app',
id: 1,
state: 'available',
external_url: '',
last_deployment: {},
created_at: '2016-11-07T11:11:16.525Z',
updated_at: '2016-11-10T15:55:58.778Z',
name: 'production',
id: 2,
state: 'available',
external_url: '',
last_deployment: {},
created_at: '2016-11-07T11:11:16.525Z',
updated_at: '2016-11-10T15:55:58.778Z',
size: 3
component = new{
el: document.querySelector('tr#environment-row'),
propsData: {
model: mockItem,
toggleRow: () => {},
canCreateDeployment: false,
canReadEnvironment: true,
......@@ -53,7 +33,7 @@ describe('Environment item', () => {
it('Should render the number of children in a badge', () => {
expect(component.$el.querySelector('.folder-name .badge').textContent).toContain(mockItem.children.length);
expect(component.$el.querySelector('.folder-name .badge').textContent).toContain(mockItem.size);
......@@ -63,38 +43,23 @@ describe('Environment item', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
environment = {
id: 31,
name: 'production',
state: 'stopped',
external_url: '',
environment_type: null,
last_deployment: {
id: 66,
iid: 6,
sha: '500aabcb17c97bdcf2d0c410b70cb8556f0362dd',
ref: {
name: 'master',
ref_path: 'root/ci-folders/tree/master',
tag: true,
'last?': true,
user: {
name: 'Administrator',
username: 'root',
id: 1,
state: 'active',
avatar_url: '\u0026d=identicon',
web_url: 'http://localhost:3000/root',
commit: {
id: '500aabcb17c97bdcf2d0c410b70cb8556f0362dd',
short_id: '500aabcb',
title: 'Update .gitlab-ci.yml',
author_name: 'Administrator',
author_email: '',
created_at: '2016-11-07T18:28:13.000+00:00',
message: 'Update .gitlab-ci.yml',
author: {
size: 1,
latest: {
state: 'stopped',
external_url: '',
environment_type: null,
last_deployment: {
id: 66,
iid: 6,
sha: '500aabcb17c97bdcf2d0c410b70cb8556f0362dd',
ref: {
name: 'master',
ref_path: 'root/ci-folders/tree/master',
tag: true,
'last?': true,
user: {
name: 'Administrator',
username: 'root',
id: 1,
......@@ -102,34 +67,50 @@ describe('Environment item', () => {
avatar_url: '\u0026d=identicon',
web_url: 'http://localhost:3000/root',
commit_path: '/root/ci-folders/tree/500aabcb17c97bdcf2d0c410b70cb8556f0362dd',
deployable: {
id: 1279,
name: 'deploy',
build_path: '/root/ci-folders/builds/1279',
retry_path: '/root/ci-folders/builds/1279/retry',
created_at: '2016-11-29T18:11:58.430Z',
updated_at: '2016-11-29T18:11:58.430Z',
manual_actions: [
name: 'action',
play_path: '/play',
commit: {
id: '500aabcb17c97bdcf2d0c410b70cb8556f0362dd',
short_id: '500aabcb',
title: 'Update .gitlab-ci.yml',
author_name: 'Administrator',
author_email: '',
created_at: '2016-11-07T18:28:13.000+00:00',
message: 'Update .gitlab-ci.yml',
author: {
name: 'Administrator',
username: 'root',
id: 1,
state: 'active',
avatar_url: '\u0026d=identicon',
web_url: 'http://localhost:3000/root',
commit_path: '/root/ci-folders/tree/500aabcb17c97bdcf2d0c410b70cb8556f0362dd',
deployable: {
id: 1279,
name: 'deploy',
build_path: '/root/ci-folders/builds/1279',
retry_path: '/root/ci-folders/builds/1279/retry',
created_at: '2016-11-29T18:11:58.430Z',
updated_at: '2016-11-29T18:11:58.430Z',
manual_actions: [
name: 'action',
play_path: '/play',
'stop_action?': true,
environment_path: 'root/ci-folders/environments/31',
created_at: '2016-11-07T11:11:16.525Z',
updated_at: '2016-11-10T15:55:58.778Z',
'stop_action?': true,
environment_path: 'root/ci-folders/environments/31',
created_at: '2016-11-07T11:11:16.525Z',
updated_at: '2016-11-10T15:55:58.778Z',
component = new{
el: document.querySelector('tr#environment-row'),
propsData: {
model: environment,
toggleRow: () => {},
canCreateDeployment: true,
canReadEnvironment: true,
......@@ -144,7 +125,7 @@ describe('Environment item', () => {
it('should render deployment internal id', () => {
component.$el.querySelector('.deployment-column span').textContent,
component.$el.querySelector('.deployment-column span').textContent,
......@@ -154,7 +135,7 @@ describe('Environment item', () => {
it('should render last deployment date', () => {
const timeagoInstance = new timeago(); // eslint-disable-line
const formatedDate = timeagoInstance.format(
......@@ -166,7 +147,7 @@ describe('Environment item', () => {
it('should render user avatar with link to profile', () => {
......@@ -174,13 +155,13 @@ describe('Environment item', () => {
it('Should link to build url provided', () => {
it('Should render deployable name and id', () => {
......@@ -20,50 +20,10 @@ require('./mock_data');
it('should count stopped environments and save the count in the state', () => {
it('should count available environments and save the count in the state', () => {
it('should store environments with same environment_type as sibilings', () => {
const parentFolder = gl.environmentsList.EnvironmentsStore.state.environments
.filter(env => env.children && env.children.length > 0);
it('should sort the environments alphabetically', () => {
const { environments } = gl.environmentsList.EnvironmentsStore.state;
describe('toggleFolder', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
it('should toggle the open property for the given environment', () => {
const { environments } = gl.environmentsList.EnvironmentsStore.state;
const environment = environments.filter(env => env['vue-isChildren'] === true && === 'review');
it('should store environments', () => {
const environmentsList = [
id: 31,
name: 'production',
state: 'available',
external_url: '',
environment_type: null,
last_deployment: {
id: 64,
iid: 5,
sha: '500aabcb17c97bdcf2d0c410b70cb8556f0362dd',
ref: {
name: 'master',
ref_url: 'http://localhost:3000/root/ci-folders/tree/master',
tag: false,
'last?': true,
user: {
name: 'Administrator',
username: 'root',
id: 1,
state: 'active',
avatar_url: '\u0026d=identicon',
web_url: 'http://localhost:3000/root',
commit: {
id: '500aabcb17c97bdcf2d0c410b70cb8556f0362dd',
short_id: '500aabcb',
title: 'Update .gitlab-ci.yml',
author_name: 'Administrator',
author_email: '',
created_at: '2016-11-07T18:28:13.000+00:00',
message: 'Update .gitlab-ci.yml',
author: {
name: 'Administrator',
username: 'root',
id: 1,
state: 'active',
avatar_url: '\u0026d=identicon',
web_url: 'http://localhost:3000/root',
commit_path: '/root/ci-folders/tree/500aabcb17c97bdcf2d0c410b70cb8556f0362dd',
deployable: {
id: 1278,
name: 'build',
build_path: '/root/ci-folders/builds/1278',
retry_path: '/root/ci-folders/builds/1278/retry',
manual_actions: [],
name: 'DEV',
size: 1,
latest: {
id: 7,
name: 'DEV',
state: 'available',
external_url: null,
environment_type: null,
last_deployment: null,
'stop_action?': false,
environment_path: '/root/review-app/environments/7',
stop_path: '/root/review-app/environments/7/stop',
created_at: '2017-01-31T10:53:46.894Z',
updated_at: '2017-01-31T10:53:46.894Z',
'stop_action?': true,
environment_path: '/root/ci-folders/environments/31',
created_at: '2016-11-07T11:11:16.525Z',
updated_at: '2016-11-07T11:11:16.525Z',
id: 32,
name: 'review_app',
state: 'stopped',
external_url: '',
environment_type: null,
last_deployment: {
id: 64,
iid: 5,
sha: '500aabcb17c97bdcf2d0c410b70cb8556f0362dd',
ref: {
name: 'master',
ref_url: 'http://localhost:3000/root/ci-folders/tree/master',
tag: false,
'last?': true,
user: {
name: 'Administrator',
username: 'root',
id: 1,
state: 'active',
avatar_url: '\u0026d=identicon',
web_url: 'http://localhost:3000/root',
commit: {
id: '500aabcb17c97bdcf2d0c410b70cb8556f0362dd',
short_id: '500aabcb',
title: 'Update .gitlab-ci.yml',
author_name: 'Administrator',
author_email: '',
created_at: '2016-11-07T18:28:13.000+00:00',
message: 'Update .gitlab-ci.yml',
author: {
name: 'Administrator',
username: 'root',
id: 1,
state: 'active',
avatar_url: '\u0026d=identicon',
web_url: 'http://localhost:3000/root',
commit_path: '/root/ci-folders/tree/500aabcb17c97bdcf2d0c410b70cb8556f0362dd',
deployable: {
id: 1278,
name: 'build',
build_path: '/root/ci-folders/builds/1278',
retry_path: '/root/ci-folders/builds/1278/retry',
manual_actions: [],
name: 'build',
size: 5,
latest: {
id: 12,
name: 'build/update-README',
state: 'available',
external_url: null,
environment_type: 'build',
last_deployment: null,
'stop_action?': false,
environment_path: '/root/review-app/environments/12',
stop_path: '/root/review-app/environments/12/stop',
created_at: '2017-02-01T19:42:18.400Z',
updated_at: '2017-02-01T19:42:18.400Z',
'stop_action?': false,
environment_path: '/root/ci-folders/environments/31',
created_at: '2016-11-07T11:11:16.525Z',
updated_at: '2016-11-07T11:11:16.525Z',
id: 33,
name: 'test-environment',
state: 'available',
environment_type: 'review',
last_deployment: null,
'stop_action?': true,
environment_path: '/root/ci-folders/environments/31',
created_at: '2016-11-07T11:11:16.525Z',
updated_at: '2016-11-07T11:11:16.525Z',
id: 34,
name: 'test-environment-1',
state: 'available',
environment_type: 'review',
last_deployment: null,
'stop_action?': true,
environment_path: '/root/ci-folders/environments/31',
created_at: '2016-11-07T11:11:16.525Z',
updated_at: '2016-11-07T11:11:16.525Z',
window.environmentsList = environmentsList;
const environment = {
id: 4,
name: 'production',
state: 'available',
external_url: 'http://production.',
environment_type: null,
last_deployment: {},
'stop_action?': false,
environment_path: '/root/review-app/environments/4',
stop_path: '/root/review-app/environments/4/stop',
created_at: '2016-12-16T11:51:04.690Z',
updated_at: '2016-12-16T12:04:51.133Z',
name: 'DEV',
size: 1,
latest: {
id: 7,
name: 'DEV',
state: 'available',
external_url: null,
environment_type: null,
last_deployment: null,
'stop_action?': false,
environment_path: '/root/review-app/environments/7',
stop_path: '/root/review-app/environments/7/stop',
created_at: '2017-01-31T10:53:46.894Z',
updated_at: '2017-01-31T10:53:46.894Z',
window.environment = environment;
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