BigW Consortium Gitlab

Put user keys routing back below project routing

parent f223a416
......@@ -145,5 +145,8 @@ Rails.application.routes.draw do
get ':id' => 'namespaces#show', constraints: { id: /(?:[^.]|\.(?!atom$))+/, format: /atom/ }
# Get all keys of user
get ':username.keys' => 'profiles/keys#get_keys', constraints: { username: /.*/ }
root to: "root#index"
......@@ -21,6 +21,3 @@ devise_scope :user do
get '/users/auth/:provider/omniauth_error' => 'omniauth_callbacks#omniauth_error', as: :omniauth_error
get '/users/almost_there' => 'confirmations#almost_there'
# Get all keys of user
get ':username.keys' => 'profiles/keys#get_keys', constraints: { username: /.*/ }
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