BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit ae736d81 by Luke Bennett Committed by Luke "Jared" Bennett

Added a line to find the currently saved text and replace the markdown textarea…

Added a line to find the currently saved text and replace the markdown textarea text when cancelling Updated CHANGELOG Corrected the changes to store the markdown in a hidden input when edit starts and retrieve the original from that input when edit is cancelled Replaced hidden input with form attribute
parent fd248392
......@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ v 8.8.4 (unreleased)
- Fix importer for GitHub comments on diff
- Disable Webhooks before proceeding with the GitHub import
- Added descriptions to notification settings dropdown
- Markdown editor now correctly resets the input value on edit cancellation !4175
v 8.8.3
- Fix 404 page when viewing TODOs that contain milestones or labels in different projects. !4312
......@@ -354,8 +354,7 @@ class @Notes
Called in response to clicking the edit note link
Replaces the note text with the note edit form
Adds a hidden div with the original content of the note to fill the edit note form with
if the user cancels
Adds a data attribute to the form with the original content of the note for cancellations
showEditForm: (e, scrollTo, myLastNote) ->
......@@ -371,6 +370,8 @@ class @Notes
done = ($noteText) ->
# Neat little trick to put the cursor at the end
noteTextVal = $noteText.val()
# Store the original note text in a data attribute to retrieve if a user cancels edit.
form.find('form.edit-note').data 'original-note', noteTextVal
new GLForm form
......@@ -393,14 +394,16 @@ class @Notes
Called in response to clicking the edit note link
Hides edit form
Hides edit form and restores the original note text to the editor textarea.
cancelEdit: (e) ->
note = $(this).closest(".note")
form = note.find(".current-note-edit-form")
note.removeClass "is-editting"
# Replace markdown textarea text with original note text.
Called in response to deleting a note of any kind.
Markdown is supported
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