BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit a7efeb37 by Dmitriy Zaporozhets

Fix chrome issues list

parent b985ff6f
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
= link_to 'Reopen', project_issue_path(issue.project, issue, issue: {closed: false }, status_only: true), method: :put, class: "btn small grouped reopen_issue", remote: true
- else
= link_to 'Close', project_issue_path(issue.project, issue, issue: {closed: true }, status_only: true), method: :put, class: "btn small grouped close_issue", remote: true
= link_to edit_project_issue_path(issue.project, issue), class: "btn small edit-issue-link", remote: true do
= link_to edit_project_issue_path(issue.project, issue), class: "btn small edit-issue-link grouped", remote: true do
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