BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit a2667528 by Kamil Trzcinski

Latest builds always include builds with unique name and unique ref

parent fc795d6e
......@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ module Ci
scope :failed, ->() { where(status: "failed") }
scope :unstarted, ->() { where(runner_id: nil) }
scope :running_or_pending, ->() { where(status:[:running, :pending]) }
scope :latest, ->() { where(id: unscope(:select).select('max(id)').group(:name)).order(stage_idx: :asc) }
scope :latest, ->() { where(id: unscope(:select).select('max(id)').group(:name, :ref)).order(stage_idx: :asc) }
scope :ignore_failures, ->() { where(allow_failure: false) }
scope :for_ref, ->(ref) { where(ref: ref) }
scope :similar, ->(build) { where(ref: build.ref, tag: build.tag, trigger_request_id: build.trigger_request_id) }
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