BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit a1e6fc15 by Stan Hu

Merge branch 'issue-2216' into 'master'

Diff colors on MR Discussion like on Changes-tab Fixes #2216 # Before ![Screen_Shot_2015-08-06_at_21.44.58]( # After ![Screen_Shot_2015-08-06_at_21.44.33]( See merge request !1108
parents 5fb5fd25 3bd50383
Please view this file on the master branch, on stable branches it's out of date.
v 7.14.0 (unreleased)
- Fix coloring of diffs on MR Discussion-tab (Gert Goet)
- Fix "Network" and "Graphs" pages for branches with encoded slashes (Stan Hu)
- Fix errors deleting and creating branches with encoded slashes (Stan Hu)
- Always add current user to autocomplete controller to support filter by "Me" (Stan Hu)
......@@ -12,18 +12,19 @@
- note.truncated_diff_lines.each do |line|
- type = line.type
- line_code = generate_line_code(note.file_path, line)
%tr.line_holder{ id: line_code }
- if line.type == "match"
%tr.line_holder{ id: line_code, class: "#{type}" }
- if type == "match"
%td.old_line= "..."
%td.new_line= "..."
%td.line_content.matched= line.text
- else
%td.old_line{class: line.type == "new" ? "new" : "old"}
= raw(line.type == "new" ? " " : line.old_pos)
%td.new_line{class: line.type == "new" ? "new" : "old"}
= raw(line.type == "old" ? " " : line.new_pos)
%td.line_content{class: "noteable_line #{line.type} #{line_code}", "line_code" => line_code}= raw diff_line_content(line.text)
= raw(type == "new" ? " " : line.old_pos)
= raw(type == "old" ? " " : line.new_pos)
%td.line_content{class: "noteable_line #{type} #{line_code}", "line_code" => line_code}= raw diff_line_content(line.text)
- if line_code == note.line_code
= render "projects/notes/diff_notes_with_reply", notes: discussion_notes
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