BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit a0abb904 by Andreas Brandl

Deprecate InternalId concern and rename.

parent 79aa0032
module InternalId
module NonatomicInternalId
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
included do
class Deployment < ActiveRecord::Base
include InternalId
include NonatomicInternalId
belongs_to :project, required: true
belongs_to :environment, required: true
require 'carrierwave/orm/activerecord'
class Issue < ActiveRecord::Base
include InternalId
include NonatomicInternalId
include Issuable
include Noteable
include Referable
class MergeRequest < ActiveRecord::Base
include InternalId
include NonatomicInternalId
include Issuable
include Noteable
include Referable
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ class Milestone < ActiveRecord::Base
Started ='Started', '#started', -3)
include CacheMarkdownField
include InternalId
include NonatomicInternalId
include Sortable
include Referable
include StripAttribute
......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ describe MergeRequest do
describe 'modules' do
subject { described_class }
it { include_module(InternalId) }
it { include_module(NonatomicInternalId) }
it { include_module(Issuable) }
it { include_module(Referable) }
it { include_module(Sortable) }
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