BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 99bbb979 by Rémy Coutable

Merge branch '40146_fix_special_charecter_search_in_filenames' into 'master'

fix for special charecter in file names Closes #40146 See merge request gitlab-org/gitlab-ce!15606
parents 73e48b74 869877ab
title: Fix search results when a filename would contain a special character.
merge_request: 15606
author: haseebeqx
type: fixed
......@@ -47,8 +47,11 @@ module Gitlab
startline = 0
result.each_line.each_with_index do |line, index|
if line =~ /^.*:.*:\d+:/
ref, filename, startline = line.split(':')
matches = line.match(/^(?<ref>[^:]*):(?<filename>.*):(?<startline>\d+):/)
if matches
ref = matches[:ref]
filename = matches[:filename]
startline = matches[:startline]
startline = startline.to_i - index
extname = Regexp.escape(File.extname(filename))
basename = filename.sub(/#{extname}$/, '')
......@@ -70,6 +70,15 @@ describe Gitlab::ProjectSearchResults do
subject { described_class.parse_search_result(search_result) }
it 'can correctly parse filenames including ":"' do
special_char_result = "\nmaster:testdata/project::function1.yaml-1----\nmaster:testdata/project::function1.yaml:2:test: data1\n"
blob = described_class.parse_search_result(special_char_result)
expect(blob.ref).to eq('master')
expect(blob.filename).to eq('testdata/project::function1.yaml')
it "returns a valid FoundBlob" do be_an Gitlab::SearchResults::FoundBlob
expect( be_nil
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