BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 9552db2f by Dmitriy Zaporozhets

Merge branch 'rs-time_ago_with_tooltip-conversion' into 'master'

Make sure time_ago_with_tooltip is using a Time object Somehow this test existed on EE but not in CE, so it started failing after a bad CE-to-EE merge. See merge request !2398
parents 96351a1e 100cdce2
......@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ module ApplicationHelper
def time_ago_with_tooltip(time, placement: 'top', html_class: 'time_ago', skip_js: false)
element = content_tag :time, time.to_s,
class: "#{html_class} js-timeago js-timeago-pending",
datetime: time.getutc.iso8601,
datetime: time.to_time.getutc.iso8601,
title: time.in_time_zone.to_s(:medium),
data: { toggle: 'tooltip', placement: placement, container: 'body' }
......@@ -285,6 +285,10 @@ describe ApplicationHelper do
it 'allows the script tag to be excluded' do
expect(element(skip_js: true)).not_to include 'script'
it 'converts to Time' do
expect { helper.time_ago_with_tooltip( }.not_to raise_error
describe 'render_markup' do
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