BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 92c71a42 by Phil Hughes

Updated to add parentheses

parent 363f7a57
......@@ -363,7 +363,7 @@ class GitLabDropdown
selector = ".dropdown-page-one .dropdown-content"
$(selector, @dropdown)
.append html
# Render the row
renderItem: (data, group = false, index = false) ->
......@@ -71,17 +71,17 @@ class @Project
renderRow: (ref) ->
if ref.header?
$('<li />')
.addClass 'dropdown-header'
.text ref.header
link = $('<a />')
.attr 'href', '#'
.attr('href', '#')
.addClass(if ref is selected then 'is-active' else '')
.text ref
.attr 'data-ref', escape(ref)
.attr('data-ref', escape(ref))
$('<li />')
.append link
id: (obj, $el) ->
toggleLabel: (obj, $el) ->
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