BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 927c40ca by Kamil Trzcinski

Fix Ci::Project migration not migrating columns that cannot be NULL [ci skip]

parent 208f99ff
......@@ -27,11 +27,11 @@ class MigrateCiToProject < ActiveRecord::Migration
def migrate_project_column(column, new_column = nil)
new_column ||= column
subquery = "SELECT ci_projects.#{column} FROM ci_projects WHERE = ci_projects.gitlab_id"
execute("UPDATE projects SET #{new_column}=(#{subquery}) WHERE #{new_column} IS NULL AND (#{subquery}) IS NOT NULL")
execute("UPDATE projects SET #{new_column}=(#{subquery}) WHERE (#{subquery}) IS NOT NULL")
def migrate_ci_service
subquery = "SELECT active FROM services WHERE = services.project_id AND type='GitlabCiService'"
execute("UPDATE projects SET builds_enabled=(#{subquery}) WHERE builds_enabled IS NULL AND (#{subquery}) IS NOT NULL")
subquery = "SELECT active FROM services WHERE = services.project_id AND type='GitlabCiService' LIMIT 1"
execute("UPDATE projects SET builds_enabled=(#{subquery}) WHERE (#{subquery}) IS NOT NULL")
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