BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 8d171a8c by Vanja Radovanović

fixed commit title when commit message is an empty string and ensured that…

fixed commit title when commit message is an empty string and ensured that link_to_gfm helper doesn't break on nil body
parent 56046130
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ class CommitDecorator < ApplicationDecorator
# In case this first line is longer than 80 characters, it is cut off
# after 70 characters and ellipses (`&hellp;`) are appended.
def title
return no_commit_message unless safe_message
return no_commit_message unless safe_message && !safe_message.strip.empty?
title_end = safe_message.index(/\n/)
if (!title_end && safe_message.length > 80) || (title_end && title_end > 80)
......@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ module GitlabMarkdownHelper
# explicitly produce the correct linking behavior (i.e.
# "<a>outer text </a><a>gfm ref</a><a> more outer text</a>").
def link_to_gfm(body, url, html_options = {})
return "" unless body && !body.strip.empty?
gfm_body = gfm(body, html_options)
gfm_body.gsub!(%r{<a.*?>.*?</a>}m) do |match|
Markdown is supported
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