BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 8ccea81c by Timothy Andrew

Display numbers for the "Issue (Tracker)" cycle analytics metric.

1. Code is messy and untested, but it is a start.
parent 516c838a
class Projects::CycleAnalyticsController < Projects::ApplicationController
def show
@metrics = {
issue: issue
def issue
query = <<-HEREDOC
WITH ordered_data AS (
SELECT extract(milliseconds FROM (COALESCE(first_associated_with_milestone_at, first_added_to_board_at) - issues.created_at)) AS data_point,
row_number() over (order by (COALESCE(first_associated_with_milestone_at, first_added_to_board_at) - issues.created_at)) as row_id
FROM issues
INNER JOIN issue_metrics ON issue_metrics.issue_id =
WHERE COALESCE(first_associated_with_milestone_at, first_added_to_board_at) IS NOT NULL
ct AS (
SELECT count(1) AS ct
FROM ordered_data
SELECT avg(data_point) AS median
FROM ordered_data
WHERE row_id between (select ct from ct)/2.0 and (select ct from ct)/2.0 + 1;
......@@ -779,6 +779,8 @@ Rails.application.routes.draw do
resources :environments
resource :cycle_analytics
resources :builds, only: [:index, :show], constraints: { id: /\d+/ } do
collection do
post :cancel_all
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