BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 896497ab by Clement Ho

Fix haml lint

parent 0a1d8875
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
%ul.filter-dropdown{ 'data-dynamic' => true, 'data-dropdown' => true }
%i.fa{ class: '{{icon}}'}
%i.fa{ class: "#{'{{icon}}'}" }
......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
%ul.filter-dropdown{ 'data-dynamic' => true, 'data-dropdown' => true }
%img.avatar.avatar-inline{ 'data-src' => '{{avatar_url}}', width: '30' }
%img.avatar.avatar-inline{ 'data-src' => '{{avatar_url}}', alt: '{{name}}\'s avatar', width: '30' }
......@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
%ul.filter-dropdown{ 'data-dynamic' => true, 'data-dropdown' => true }
%img.avatar.avatar-inline{ 'data-src' => '{{avatar_url}}', width: '30' }
%img.avatar.avatar-inline{ 'data-src' => '{{avatar_url}}', alt: '{{name}}\'s avatar', width: '30' }
......@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
%ul.filter-dropdown{ 'data-dynamic' => true, 'data-dropdown' => true }
%span.dropdown-label-box{ style: 'background: {{color}}'}
%span.dropdown-label-box{ style: 'background: {{color}}' }
......@@ -90,9 +90,9 @@
= dropdown_tag("Status", options: { toggle_class: "js-issue-status", title: "Change status", dropdown_class: "dropdown-menu-status dropdown-menu-selectable", data: { field_name: "update[state_event]" } } ) do
%a{href: "#", data: {id: "reopen"}} Open
%a{ href: "#", data: { id: "reopen" } } Open
%a{href: "#", data: {id: "close"}} Closed
%a{ href: "#", data: { id: "close" } } Closed
= dropdown_tag("Assignee", options: { toggle_class: "js-user-search js-update-assignee js-filter-submit js-filter-bulk-update", title: "Assign to", filter: true, dropdown_class: "dropdown-menu-user dropdown-menu-selectable",
placeholder: "Search authors", data: { first_user: (current_user.username if current_user), null_user: true, current_user: true, project_id:, field_name: "update[assignee_id]" } })
......@@ -104,9 +104,9 @@
= dropdown_tag("Subscription", options: { toggle_class: "js-subscription-event", title: "Change subscription", dropdown_class: "dropdown-menu-selectable", data: { field_name: "update[subscription_event]" } } ) do
%a{href: "#", data: {id: "subscribe"}} Subscribe
%a{ href: "#", data: { id: "subscribe" } } Subscribe
%a{href: "#", data: {id: "unsubscribe"}} Unsubscribe
%a{ href: "#", data: { id: "unsubscribe" } } Unsubscribe
= hidden_field_tag 'update[issuable_ids]', []
= hidden_field_tag :state_event, params[:state_event]
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