BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 893402d4 by kushalpandya

Preserve `archived` param only when sort order is changed

parent 4d791599
......@@ -64,11 +64,11 @@ export default class GroupFilterableList extends FilterableList {
// Get type of option selected from dropdown
const currentTargetClassList = e.currentTarget.parentElement.classList;
const isOptionFilterBySort = currentTargetClassList.contains('js-filter-sort-order');
const isOptionFilterByArchivedProjects = currentTargetClassList.contains('js-filter-archived-projects');
// Get option query param, also preserve currently applied query param
const isOptionFilterByArchivedProjects = currentTargetClassList.contains('js-filter-archived-projects');
const sortParam = getParameterByName('sort', e.currentTarget.href) || getParameterByName('sort', window.location.href);
const archivedParam = getParameterByName('archived', e.currentTarget.href) || getParameterByName('archived', window.location.href);
const sortParam = getParameterByName('sort', isOptionFilterBySort ? e.currentTarget.href : window.location.href);
const archivedParam = getParameterByName('archived', isOptionFilterByArchivedProjects ? e.currentTarget.href : window.location.href);
if (sortParam) {
queryData.sort = sortParam;
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