BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 88fb39af by Achilleas Pipinellis Committed by Lin Jen-Shin

Merge branch…

Merge branch '29713-update-documentation-to-reflect-prometheus-monitors-k8s-by-default' into 'master' Update docs to indicate prometheus k8s monitoring is on by default See merge request !10089
parent 685590ee
......@@ -96,21 +96,15 @@ Sample Prometheus queries:
> Introduced in GitLab 9.0.
If your GitLab server is running within Kubernetes, an option is now available
to monitor the health of each node in the cluster. This is particularly helpful
if your CI/CD environments run in the same cluster, and you would like enable
[Prometheus integration][] to monitor them.
If your GitLab server is running within Kubernetes, Prometheus will collect metrics from the Nodes in the cluster including performance data on each container. This is particularly helpful if your CI/CD environments run in the same cluster, as you can use the [Prometheus project integration][] to monitor them.
When enabled, the bundled Prometheus server monitors Kubernetes and automatically
[collects metrics][prometheus-cadvisor-metrics] from each Node in the cluster.
To enable the Kubernetes monitoring:
To disable the monitoring of Kubernetes:
1. Edit `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb`
1. Add or find and uncomment the following line:
1. Add or find and uncomment the following line and set it to `false`:
prometheus['monitor_kubernetes'] = true
prometheus['monitor_kubernetes'] = false
1. Save the file and [reconfigure GitLab][reconfigure] for the changes to
......@@ -165,4 +159,4 @@ The GitLab monitor exporter allows you to measure various GitLab metrics.
[reconfigure]: ../../
[prometheus integration]: ../../../user/project/integrations/
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