BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 8527e8d5 by Dmitriy Zaporozhets

Fix test for creating group from dashboard

parent 04c674e6
......@@ -46,3 +46,11 @@ Feature: Dashboard Group
When I visit dashboard groups page
Then I should see group "Owned" in group list
Then I should not see group "Guest" in group list
Scenario: Create a group from dasboard
And I visit dashboard groups page
And I click new group link
And submit form with new group "Samurai" info
Then I should be redirected to group "Samurai" page
And I should see newly created group "Samurai"
......@@ -10,14 +10,6 @@ Feature: Groups
Then I should see group "Owned" projects list
And I should see projects activity feed
Scenario: Create a group from dasboard
When I visit group "Owned" page
And I visit dashboard page
And I click new group link
And submit form with new group "Samurai" info
Then I should be redirected to group "Samurai" page
And I should see newly created group "Samurai"
Scenario: I should see group "Owned" issues list
Given project from group "Owned" has issues assigned to me
When I visit group "Owned" issues page
......@@ -41,4 +41,23 @@ class Spinach::Features::DashboardGroup < Spinach::FeatureSteps
step 'I should not see group "Guest" in group list' do
page.should_not have_content("Guest")
step 'I click new group link' do
click_link "New Group"
step 'submit form with new group "Samurai" info' do
fill_in 'group_path', with: 'Samurai'
fill_in 'group_description', with: 'Tokugawa Shogunate'
click_button "Create group"
step 'I should be redirected to group "Samurai" page' do
current_path.should == group_path(Group.find_by(name: 'Samurai'))
step 'I should see newly created group "Samurai"' do
page.should have_content "Samurai"
page.should have_content "Tokugawa Shogunate"
......@@ -72,25 +72,6 @@ class Spinach::Features::Groups < Spinach::FeatureSteps
author: current_user
When 'I click new group link' do
click_link "New group"
step 'submit form with new group "Samurai" info' do
fill_in 'group_path', with: 'Samurai'
fill_in 'group_description', with: 'Tokugawa Shogunate'
click_button "Create group"
step 'I should be redirected to group "Samurai" page' do
current_path.should == group_path(Group.find_by(name: 'Samurai'))
step 'I should see newly created group "Samurai"' do
page.should have_content "Samurai"
page.should have_content "Tokugawa Shogunate"
step 'I change group "Owned" name to "new-name"' do
fill_in 'group_name', with: 'new-name'
fill_in 'group_path', with: 'new-name'
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