BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 84c14ac0 by Kamil Trzciński

Improve validation message and add changelog

parent 48db60e4
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ class VariableDuplicatesValidator < ActiveModel::EachValidator
def validate_duplicates(record, attribute, values)
duplicates = values.reject(&:marked_for_destruction?).group_by(&:key).select { |_, v| v.many? }.map(&:first)
if duplicates.any?
error_message = "has duplicate variables (#{duplicates.join(", ")})"
error_message = "have duplicate values (#{duplicates.join(", ")})"
error_message += " for #{values.first.send(options[:scope])} scope" if options[:scope] # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend
record.errors.add(attribute, error_message)
title: Fix validation of environment scope of variables
type: fixed
......@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ shared_examples 'variable list' do
# We check the first row because it re-sorts to alphabetical order on refresh
page.within('.js-ci-variable-list-section') do
expect(find('.js-ci-variable-error-box')).to have_content(/Validation failed Variables has duplicate variables \(.+\)/)
expect(find('.js-ci-variable-error-box')).to have_content(/Validation failed Variables have duplicate values \(.+\)/)
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