BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 846a9ef5 by Achilleas Pipinellis

Add newest enhancements to GH importer docs

[ci skip]
parent aea97991
# Import your project from GitHub to GitLab
_**Note:** In order to enable the GitHub import setting, you should first
enable the [GitHub integration][gh-import] in your GitLab instance._
In order to enable the GitHub import setting, you should first
enable the [GitHub integration][gh-import] in your GitLab instance.
At its current state, GitHub importer can import:
......@@ -10,10 +11,13 @@ At its current state, GitHub importer can import:
- the issues (introduced in GitLab 7.7)
- the pull requests (introduced in GitLab 8.4)
- the wiki pages (introduced in GitLab 8.4)
- the milestones (introduced in GitLab 8.7)
- the labels (introduced in GitLab 8.7)
It is not yet possible to import your labels, milestones and cross-repository
pull requests (those from forks). We are working on improving this in the near
With GitLab 8.7+, references to pull requests and issues are preserved.
It is not yet possible to import your cross-repository pull requests (those from
forks). We are working on improving this in the near future.
The importer page is visible when you [create a new project][new-project].
Click on the **GitHub** link and you will be redirected to GitHub for
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