BigW Consortium Gitlab

Show spinner when loading MR diff

parent 995d193d
......@@ -109,10 +109,10 @@ class MergeRequest
type: 'GET'
url: this.$('.merge-request-tabs .diffs-tab a').attr('href')
beforeSend: =>
this.$('.status').addClass 'loading'
this.$('.mr-loading-status .loading').show()
complete: =>
@diffs_loaded = true
this.$('.status').removeClass 'loading'
this.$('.mr-loading-status .loading').hide()
success: (data) =>
dataType: 'json'
......@@ -31,7 +31,8 @@
= render "projects/merge_requests/show/diffs"{ class: (controller.action_name == 'show') ? "" : "hide" }
= render "projects/notes/notes_with_form"
= spinner
var merge_request;
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