BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 83ba37e5 by Achilleas Pipinellis

Merge branch 'fix_git_tag_in_architecture' into 'master'

Fixed ~git beeing displayed as link to issues tagged with git in The architecture documentation explains `~git` from the picture below which is replaced by a [link to issues tagged with `git`]( I believe that this was unintended and should be fixed by using backticks. ![Screenshot_from_2016-02-13_21-36-30](/uploads/5ea1a60e8b230952874e58eab0abe1ac/Screenshot_from_2016-02-13_21-36-30.png) See merge request !2814
parents 8fecb47c 81ab172a
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ Gitlab-shell communicates with Sidekiq via the “communication board” (Redis)
## System Layout
When referring to ~git in the pictures it means the home directory of the git user which is typically /home/git.
When referring to `~git` in the pictures it means the home directory of the git user which is typically /home/git.
GitLab is primarily installed within the `/home/git` user home directory as `git` user. Within the home directory is where the gitlabhq server software resides as well as the repositories (though the repository location is configurable).
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