BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 824fecb7 by Alfredo Sumaran

Bring back search context when chosing the same project/group

parent ab42560e
......@@ -104,6 +104,8 @@ class @SearchAutocomplete
lastCategory = suggestion.category
id: "#{suggestion.category.toLowerCase()}-#{}"
category: suggestion.category
text: suggestion.label
url: suggestion.url
......@@ -271,8 +273,27 @@ class @SearchAutocomplete
onClick: (item, e) ->
onClick: (item, $el, e) ->
if location.pathname.indexOf(item.url) isnt -1
if not @badgePresent
if item.category is 'Projects'
value: 'This project'
if item.category is 'Groups'
value: 'This group'
# We need to wait because of @skipBlurEvent
setTimeout( =>
, 200)
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