BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 804ae05c by Andrew8xx8

Tests improved

parent 23f8f13e
......@@ -4,5 +4,11 @@ Feature: Dashboard
And I own project "Shop"
And I visit dashboard projects page
Scenario: I should see issues list
Scenario: I should see projects list
Then I should see projects list
Scenario: I should see project I am looking for
Given I search for "Sho"
Then I should see "Shop" project link
class Dashboard < Spinach::FeatureSteps
include SharedAuthentication
include SharedPaths
include SharedProject
Then 'I should see projects list' do
@user.authorized_projects.all.each do |project|
page.should have_link project.name_with_namespace
Given 'I search for "Sho"' do
fill_in "dashboard_projects_search", with: "Sho"
click_button "Search"
Then 'I should see "Shop" project link' do
page.should have_link "Shop"
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