BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 7ed08786 by Thomas Berger Committed by Dmitriy Zaporozhets

added text-templates for mail notification

parent 6682689a
Issue was <%= @issue_status %> by <%= %>
Issue <%= %>: <%= url_for(project_issue_url(@issue.project, @issue)) %>
New Issue was created and assigned to you.
Issue <%= %>: <%= url_for(project_issue_url(@issue.project, @issue)) %>
New Merge Request <%= %>
<%= url_for(project_merge_request_url(@merge_request.project, @merge_request)) %>
Branches: <%= @merge_request.source_branch %> to <%= @merge_request.target_branch %>
Author: <%= @merge_request.author_name %>
Asignee: <%= @merge_request.assignee_name %>
Hi <%= %>!
Administrator created account for you. Now you are a member of company GitLab application.
login.................. <%= %>
password............... <%= @password %>
Click here to login: <%= url_for(root_url) %>
New comment for Commit <%= @commit.short_id %>
<%= url_for(project_commit_url(@note.project, id:, anchor: "note_#{}")) %>
Author: <%= @note.author_name %>
<%= @note.note %>
New comment for Issue <%= %>
<%= url_for(project_issue_url(@issue.project, @issue, anchor: "note_#{}")) %>
Author: <%= @note.author_name %>
<%= @note.note %>
New comment for Merge Request <%= %>
<%= url_for(project_merge_request_url(@merge_request.project, @merge_request, anchor: "note_#{}")) %>
<%= @note.author_name %>
<%= @note.note %>
New message on the project wall <%= @note.project %>
<%= url_for(wall_project_url(@note.project, anchor: "note_#{}")) %>
<%= @note.author_name %>
<%= @note.note %>
You have been granted <%= @users_project.project_access_human %> access to project <%= @project.name_with_namespace %>
<%= url_for(project_url(@project)) %>
Project was moved to another location
The project is now located under
<%= url_for(link_to project_url(@project)) %>
To update the remote url in your local repository run:
git remote set-url origin <%= @project.ssh_url_to_repo %>
Reassigned Issue <%= %>
<%= url_for(project_issue_url(@issue.project, @issue)) %>
Assignee changed from <%= %> to <%= @issue.assignee_name %>
Reassigned Merge Request <%= %>
<%= url_for(project_merge_request_url(@merge_request.project, @merge_request)) %>
Assignee changed from <%= %> to <%= @merge_request.assignee_name %>
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