BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 7c583293 by Mike Greiling

prevent nonewline type diff lines from containing unfolding link

parent 270dc226
......@@ -8,8 +8,12 @@
- last_line = right.new_pos if right
- if left
- if left.meta?
- case left.type
- when 'match'
= diff_match_line left.old_pos, nil, text: left.text, view: :parallel
- when 'nonewline'
%td.line_content.match= left.text
- else
- left_line_code = diff_file.line_code(left)
- left_position = diff_file.position(left)
......@@ -21,8 +25,12 @@
- if right
- if right.meta?
- case right.type
- when 'match'
= diff_match_line nil, right.new_pos, text: left.text, view: :parallel
- when 'nonewline'
%td.line_content.match= right.text
- else
- right_line_code = diff_file.line_code(right)
- right_position = diff_file.position(right)
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