BigW Consortium Gitlab

fix eslint errors

parent 5d523fdd
/* eslint-disable func-names, space-before-function-paren, one-var, no-var, one-var-declaration-per-line, prefer-template, quotes, no-unused-vars, prefer-arrow-callback, max-len */
import Clipboard from 'clipboard';
var genericError, genericSuccess, showTooltip;
function showTooltip(target, title) {
const $target = $(target);
const originalTitle = $'original-title');
if (!$'hideTooltip')) {
.attr('title', title)
.attr('title', originalTitle)
genericSuccess = function(e) {
function genericSuccess(e) {
showTooltip(e.trigger, 'Copied');
// Clear the selection and blur the trigger so it loses its border
return $(e.trigger).blur();
// Safari doesn't support `execCommand`, so instead we inform the user to
// copy manually.
// See
genericError = function(e) {
var key;
function genericError(e) {
let key;
if (/Mac/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
key = '⌘'; // Command
} else {
key = 'Ctrl';
return showTooltip(e.trigger, "Press " + key + "-C to copy");
showTooltip = function(target, title) {
var $target = $(target);
var originalTitle = $'original-title');
if (!$'hideTooltip')) {
.attr('title', 'Copied')
.attr('title', originalTitle)
showTooltip(e.trigger, `Press ${key}-C to copy`);
$(function() {
$(() => {
const clipboard = new Clipboard('[data-clipboard-target], [data-clipboard-text]');
clipboard.on('success', genericSuccess);
clipboard.on('error', genericError);
// This a workaround around ClipboardJS limitations to allow the context-specific copy/pasting of plain text or GFM.
// The Ruby `clipboard_button` helper sneaks a JSON hash with `text` and `gfm` keys into the `data-clipboard-text`
// attribute that ClipboardJS reads from.
// When ClipboardJS creates a new `textarea` (directly inside `body`, with a `readonly` attribute`), sets its value
// to the value of this data attribute, focusses on it, and finally programmatically issues the 'Copy' command,
// this code intercepts the copy command/event at the last minute to deconstruct this JSON hash and set the
// `text/plain` and `text/x-gfm` copy data types to the intended values.
$(document).on('copy', 'body > textarea[readonly]', function(e) {
* This a workaround around ClipboardJS limitations to allow the context-specific copy/pasting
* of plain text or GFM. The Ruby `clipboard_button` helper sneaks a JSON hash with `text` and
* `gfm` keys into the `data-clipboard-text` attribute that ClipboardJS reads from.
* When ClipboardJS creates a new `textarea` (directly inside `body`, with a `readonly`
* attribute`), sets its value to the value of this data attribute, focusses on it, and finally
* programmatically issues the 'Copy' command, this code intercepts the copy command/event at
* the last minute to deconstruct this JSON hash and set the `text/plain` and `text/x-gfm` copy
* data types to the intended values.
$(document).on('copy', 'body > textarea[readonly]', (e) => {
const clipboardData = e.originalEvent.clipboardData;
if (!clipboardData) return;
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