BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 794a8d81 by Robert Schilling

Mention Google OAuth API change in update guides

Add oauth doc to 6.0 to 7.2 upgrader
parent 3f161a3a
......@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ sudo chmod u+rwx,g+rx,o-rwx /home/git/gitlab-satellites
## 6. Update config files
TIP: to see what changed in gitlab.yml.example in this release use next command:
TIP: to see what changed in gitlab.yml.example in this release use next command:
git diff 6-0-stable:config/gitlab.yml.example 7-2-stable:config/gitlab.yml.example
......@@ -129,6 +129,12 @@ To make sure you didn't miss anything run a more thorough check with:
If all items are green, then congratulations upgrade complete!
## 10. Update OmniAuth configuration
When using Google omniauth login, changes of the Google account required.
Ensure that `Contacts API` and the `Google+ API` are enabled in the [Google Developers Console](
More details can be found at the [integration documentation](
## Things went south? Revert to previous version (6.0)
### 1. Revert the code to the previous version
......@@ -144,4 +150,4 @@ sudo -u git -H bundle exec rake gitlab:backup:restore RAILS_ENV=production
## Login issues after upgrade?
If running in HTTPS mode, be sure to read [Can't Verify CSRF token authenticity](
If running in HTTPS mode, be sure to read [Can't Verify CSRF token authenticity](
......@@ -91,6 +91,12 @@ To make sure you didn't miss anything run a more thorough check with:
If all items are green, then congratulations upgrade is complete!
### 8. Update OmniAuth configuration
When using Google omniauth login, changes of the Google account required.
Ensure that `Contacts API` and the `Google+ API` are enabled in the [Google Developers Console](
More details can be found at the [integration documentation](../integration/
## Things went south? Revert to previous version (7.1)
### 1. Revert the code to the previous version
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