BigW Consortium Gitlab

Refactor old formad handling in lib/ci/api/entities.rb

parent fa0a326b
......@@ -45,15 +45,13 @@ module Ci
expose :artifacts_expire_at, if: ->(build, _) { build.artifacts? }
expose :options do |model|
options = model.options
# This part ensures that output of old API is still the same after adding support
# for extended docker configuration options, used by new API
# I'm leaving this here, not in the model, because it should be removed at the same time
# when old API will be removed (planned for August 2017).
options[:image] = options[:image][:name] if options[:image].present? && options[:image].is_a?(Hash)
if options[:services].present?
model.options.dup.tap do |options|
options[:image] = options[:image][:name] if options[:image].is_a?(Hash)
options[:services].map! do |service|
if service.is_a?(Hash)
......@@ -62,8 +60,6 @@ module Ci
expose :timeout do |model|
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