BigW Consortium Gitlab

Combine 'turn on/off' user dropdown links into 'experimental features' link and…

Combine 'turn on/off' user dropdown links into 'experimental features' link and andded 'experimental features' heading for user preferences page
parent d7636a99
......@@ -74,9 +74,7 @@
= link_to "Profile", current_user, class: 'profile-link', data: { user: current_user.username }
= link_to "Settings", profile_path
= link_to "Turn on new navigation", profile_preferences_path(anchor: "new-navigation")
= render 'shared/repo/user_dropdown_link'
= render 'shared/user_dropdown_experimental_features'
= link_to "Sign out", destroy_user_session_path, method: :delete, class: "sign-out-link"
......@@ -68,9 +68,7 @@
= link_to "Profile", current_user, class: 'profile-link', data: { user: current_user.username }
= link_to "Settings", profile_path
= link_to "Turn off new navigation", profile_preferences_path(anchor: "new-navigation")
= render 'shared/repo/user_dropdown_link'
= render 'shared/user_dropdown_experimental_features'
= link_to "Sign out", destroy_user_session_path, method: :delete, class: "sign-out-link"
......@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
%h3#experimental-features Experimental features
New Navigation
%li= link_to 'Experimental features', profile_preferences_path(anchor: 'experimental-features')
%li= link_to "Turn #{show_new_repo? ? 'off' : 'on'} new repository", profile_preferences_path(anchor: "new-repository")
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