BigW Consortium Gitlab

Move appearance settings as sub tab to application settings

parent 44b8b77e
- @no_container = true
- page_title "Appearance"
Appearance settings
You can modify the look and feel of GitLab here
= render "admin/application_settings/head"
= render 'form'
%div{ class: (container_class) }
= render 'form'
%ul{ class: (container_class) }
= nav_link(controller: :application_settings) do
= link_to admin_application_settings_path, title: 'Settings' do
= nav_link(controller: :appearances) do
= link_to admin_appearances_path, title: 'Appearances' do
- @no_container = true
- page_title "Settings" Settings
= render 'form'
= render "admin/application_settings/head"
%div{ class: (container_class) }
= render 'form'
......@@ -21,11 +21,6 @@
= nav_link(controller: :appearances) do
= link_to admin_appearances_path, title: 'Appearances' do
= nav_link(controller: :applications) do
= link_to admin_applications_path, title: 'Applications' do
......@@ -53,7 +48,7 @@
Spam Logs
= nav_link(controller: :application_settings, html_options: { class: 'separate-item'}) do
= nav_link(controller: [:application_settings, :appearances]) do
= link_to admin_application_settings_path, title: 'Settings' do
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