BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 6c168d40 by Rémy Coutable

Merge branch '20870-secret-variables-sorted-by-key' into 'master'

Sort secret keys by key instead of id. Closes #20870 See merge request !6275
parents 55246824 43d2cd51
module Ci
class Variable < ActiveRecord::Base
extend Ci::Model
belongs_to :project, class_name: '::Project', foreign_key: :gl_project_id
validates_uniqueness_of :key, scope: :gl_project_id
......@@ -11,7 +11,9 @@ module Ci
format: { with: /\A[a-zA-Z0-9_]+\z/,
message: "can contain only letters, digits and '_'." }
attr_encrypted :value,
scope :order_key_asc, -> { reorder(key: :asc) }
attr_encrypted :value,
mode: :per_attribute_iv_and_salt,
insecure_mode: true,
key: Gitlab::Application.secrets.db_key_base,
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
%th Value
- @project.variables.each do |variable|
- @project.variables.order_key_asc.each do |variable|
- if
%td= variable.key
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