BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 6416f8ea by Phil Hughes Committed by Jacob Schatz

Updated based on Ruby feedback

parent 14b124fa
......@@ -66,10 +66,10 @@ module ProjectsHelper
project_link = link_to simple_sanitize(, project_path(project), { class: "project-item-select-holder" }
project_link += icon "chevron-down", class: "dropdown-toggle-caret js-projects-dropdown-toggle", data: { target: ".header-content", toggle: "dropdown" } if current_user
project_link << icon("chevron-down", class: "dropdown-toggle-caret js-projects-dropdown-toggle", data: { target: ".js-dropdown-menu-projects", toggle: "dropdown" }) if current_user
full_title = namespace_link + ' / ' + project_link
full_title += ' &middot; '.html_safe + link_to(simple_sanitize(name), url) if name
full_title << ' &middot; '.html_safe + link_to(simple_sanitize(name), url) if name
......@@ -18,10 +18,11 @@
= render "layouts/init_auto_complete" if current_user
- content_for :header_content do
= dropdown_title("Go to a project")
= dropdown_filter("Search your projects")
= dropdown_content
= dropdown_loading
= dropdown_title("Go to a project")
= dropdown_filter("Search your projects")
= dropdown_content
= dropdown_loading
= render template: "layouts/application"
......@@ -5,15 +5,16 @@
%a.project-item-select-holder{href: "/gitlab-org/gitlab-test"}
GitLab Test
%i.fa.chevron-down.dropdown-toggle-caret.js-projects-dropdown-toggle{ "data-toggle" => "dropdown", "data-target" => ".header-content" }
%span Go to a project
%button.dropdown-title-button.dropdown-menu-close{"aria-label" => "Close", type: "button"}
%input.dropdown-input-field{id: "", placeholder: "Search your projects", type: "search", value: ""}
%i.fa.fa-times.dropdown-input-clear.js-dropdown-input-clear{role: "button"}
%span Go to a project
%button.dropdown-title-button.dropdown-menu-close{"aria-label" => "Close", type: "button"}
%input.dropdown-input-field{id: "", placeholder: "Search your projects", type: "search", value: ""}
%i.fa.fa-times.dropdown-input-clear.js-dropdown-input-clear{role: "button"}
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