BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 63b2b827 by Felipe Artur

Merge branch 'docs/pages-backport' into '8-17-stable'

Move all Pages related content to a single location See merge request !9695
parents 976957c3 9bb0b584
......@@ -5,4 +5,6 @@
Learn how to upload your static site and have it served by
GitLab by following the #{link_to "documentation on GitLab Pages", "", target: :blank}.
GitLab by following the
= succeed '.' do
= link_to 'documentation on GitLab Pages', help_page_path('user/project/pages/index'), target: '_blank'
This document was moved to [user/project/pages](../user/project/pages/
This document was moved to [pages/](../user/project/pages/
This document was moved to [another location](../user/project/pages/
This document was moved to [another location](../user/project/pages/
This document was moved to [another location](../user/project/pages/
# GitLab Pages from A to Z: Part 1
- **Part 1: Static sites and GitLab Pages domains**
- [Part 2: Quick start guide - Setting up GitLab Pages](
- [Part 3: Setting Up Custom Domains - DNS Records and SSL/TLS Certificates](
- [Part 4: Creating and tweaking `.gitlab-ci.yml` for GitLab Pages](
## GitLab Pages form A to Z
This is a comprehensive guide, made for those who want to
publish a website with GitLab Pages but aren't familiar with
the entire process involved.
This [first part](#what-you-need-to-know-before-getting-started) of this series will present you to the concepts of
static sites, and go over how the default Pages domains work.
The [second part]( covers how to get started with GitLab Pages: deploy
a website from a forked project or create a new one from scratch.
The [third part]( will show you how to set up a custom domain or subdomain
to your site already deployed.
The [fourth part]( will show you how to create and tweak GitLab CI for
GitLab Pages.
To **enable** GitLab Pages for GitLab CE (Community Edition)
and GitLab EE (Enterprise Edition), please read the
[admin documentation](,
and/or watch this [video tutorial](
For this guide, we assume you already have GitLab Pages
server up and running for your GitLab instance.
## What you need to know before getting started
Before we begin, let's understand a few concepts first.
### Static sites
GitLab Pages only supports static websites, meaning,
your output files must be HTML, CSS, and JavaScript only.
To create your static site, you can either hardcode in HTML,
CSS, and JS, or use a [Static Site Generator (SSG)](
to simplify your code and build the static site for you,
which is highly recommendable and much faster than hardcoding.
#### Further Reading
- Read through this technical overview on [Static versus Dynamic Websites](
- Understand [how modern Static Site Generators work]( and what you can add to your static site
- You can use [any SSG with GitLab Pages](
- Fork an [example project]( to build your website based upon
### GitLab Pages domain
If you set up a GitLab Pages project on,
it will automatically be accessible under a
[subdomain of ``](
The `namespace` is defined by your username on,
or the group name you created this project under.
If you use your own GitLab instance to deploy your
site with GitLab Pages, check with your sysadmin what's your
Pages wildcard domain. This guide is valid for any GitLab instance,
you just need to replace Pages wildcard domain on
(`*`) with your own.
#### Practical examples
**Project Websites:**
- You created a project called `blog` under your username `john`,
therefore your project URL is ``.
Once you enable GitLab Pages for this project, and build your site,
it will be available under ``.
- You created a group for all your websites called `websites`,
and a project within this group is called `blog`. Your project
URL is ``. Once you enable
GitLab Pages for this project, the site will live under
**User and Group Websites:**
- Under your username, `john`, you created a project called
``. Your project URL will be ``.
Once you enable GitLab Pages for your project, your website
will be published under ``.
- Under your group `websites`, you created a project called
``. your project's URL will be ``. Once you enable GitLab Pages for your project,
your website will be published under ``.
**General example:**
- On, a project site will always be available under
- On, a user or group website will be available under
- On your GitLab instance, replace `` above with your
Pages server domain. Ask your sysadmin for this information.
||[**Part 2: Quick start guide - Setting up GitLab Pages →**](|
# GitLab Pages from A to Z: Part 3
- [Part 1: Static sites and GitLab Pages domains](
- [Part 2: Quick start guide - Setting up GitLab Pages](
- **Part 3: Setting Up Custom Domains - DNS Records and SSL/TLS Certificates**
- [Part 4: Creating and tweaking `.gitlab-ci.yml` for GitLab Pages](
## Setting Up Custom Domains - DNS Records and SSL/TLS Certificates
As described in the previous part of this series, setting up GitLab Pages with custom domains, and adding SSL/TLS certificates to them, are optional features of GitLab Pages.
These steps assume you've already [set your site up]( and and it's served under the default Pages domain ``, or ``.
### DNS Records
A Domain Name System (DNS) web service routes visitors to websites
by translating domain names (such as ``) into the
numeric IP addresses (such as ``) that computers use to
connect to each other.
A DNS record is created to point a (sub)domain to a certain location,
which can be an IP address or another domain. In case you want to use
GitLab Pages with your own (sub)domain, you need to access your domain's
registrar control panel to add a DNS record pointing it back to your
GitLab Pages site.
Note that **how to** add DNS records depends on which server your domain
is hosted on. Every control panel has its own place to do it. If you are
not an admin of your domain, and don't have access to your registrar,
you'll need to ask for the technical support of your hosting service
to do it for you.
To help you out, we've gathered some instructions on how to do that
for the most popular hosting services:
- [Amazon](
- [Bluehost](
- [CloudFlare](
- [cPanel](
- [DreamHost](
- [Go Daddy](
- [Hostgator](
- [Inmotion hosting](
- [Media Temple](
- [Microsoft](
If your hosting service is not listed above, you can just try to
search the web for "how to add dns record on <my hosting service>".
#### DNS A record
In case you want to point a root domain (``) to your
GitLab Pages site, deployed to ``, you need to
log into your domain's admin control panel and add a DNS `A` record
pointing your domain to Pages' server IP address. For projects on, this IP is ``. For projects leaving in
other GitLab instances (CE or EE), please contact your sysadmin
asking for this information (which IP address is Pages server
running on your instance).
**Practical Example:**
![DNS A record pointing to Pages server](img/dns_a_record_example.png)
#### DNS CNAME record
In case you want to point a subdomain (``)
to your GitLab Pages site initially deployed to ``,
you need to log into your domain's admin control panel and add a DNS
`CNAME` record pointing your subdomain to your website URL
(``) address.
Notice that, despite it's a user or project website, the `CNAME`
should point to your Pages domain (``),
without any `/project-name`.
**Practical Example:**
![DNS CNAME record pointing to project](img/dns_cname_record_example.png)
#### TL;DR
| From | DNS Record | To |
| ---- | ---------- | -- |
| | A | |
| | CNAME | |
> **Notes**:
> - **Do not** use a CNAME record if you want to point your
`` to your GitLab Pages site. Use an `A` record instead.
> - **Do not** add any special chars after the default Pages
domain. E.g., **do not** point your `` to
`` or ``.
### SSL/TLS Certificates
Every GitLab Pages project on will be available under
HTTPS for the default Pages domain (`*`). Once you set
up your Pages project with your custom (sub)domain, if you want
it secured by HTTPS, you will have to issue a certificate for that
(sub)domain and install it on your project.
Certificates are NOT required to add to your custom
(sub)domain on your GitLab Pages project, though they are
highly recommendable.
The importance of having any website securely served under HTTPS
is explained on the introductory section of the blog post
[Secure GitLab Pages with StartSSL](
The reason why certificates are so important is that they encrypt
the connection between the **client** (you, me, your visitors)
and the **server** (where you site lives), through a keychain of
authentications and validations.
### Issuing Certificates
GitLab Pages accepts [PEM]( certificates issued by
[Certificate Authorities (CA)](
and self-signed certificates. Of course,
[you'd rather issue a certificate than generate a self-signed](,
for security reasons and for having browsers trusting your
site's certificate.
There are several different kinds of certificates, each one
with certain security level. A static personal website will
not require the same security level as an online banking web app,
for instance. There are a couple Certificate Authorities that
offer free certificates, aiming to make the internet more secure
to everyone. The most popular is [Let's Encrypt](,
which issues certificates trusted by most of browsers, it's open
source, and free to use. Please read through this tutorial to
understand [how to secure your GitLab Pages website with Let's Encrypt](
With the same popularity, there are [certificates issued by CloudFlare](,
which also offers a [free CDN service](
Their certs are valid up to 15 years. Read through the tutorial on
[how to add a CloudFlare Certificate to your GitLab Pages website](
### Adding certificates to your project
Regardless the CA you choose, the steps to add your certificate to
your Pages project are the same.
#### What do you need
1. A PEM certificate
1. An intermediate certificate
1. A public key
![Pages project - adding certificates](img/add_certificate_to_pages.png)
These fields are found under your **Project**'s **Settings** > **Pages** > **New Domain**.
#### What's what?
- A PEM certificate is the certificate generated by the CA,
which needs to be added to the field **Certificate (PEM)**.
- An [intermediate certificate]( (aka "root certificate") is
the part of the encryption keychain that identifies the CA.
Usually it's combined with the PEM certificate, but there are
some cases in which you need to add them manually.
[CloudFlare certs](
are one of these cases.
- A public key is an encrypted key which validates
your PEM against your domain.
#### Now what?
Now that you hopefully understand why you need all
of this, it's simple:
- Your PEM certificate needs to be added to the first field
- If your certificate is missing its intermediate, copy
and paste the root certificate (usually available from your CA website)
and paste it in the [same field as your PEM certificate](,
just jumping a line between them.
- Copy your public key and paste it in the last field
**Do not** open certificates or encryption keys in
regular text editors. Always use code editors (such as
Sublime Text, Atom, Dreamweaver, Brackets, etc).
|[**← Part 2: Quick start guide - Setting up GitLab Pages**](|[**Part 4: Creating and tweaking `.gitlab-ci.yml` for GitLab Pages →**](|
# GitLab Pages from A to Z: Part 2
- [Part 1: Static sites and GitLab Pages domains](
- **Part 2: Quick start guide - Setting up GitLab Pages**
- [Part 3: Setting Up Custom Domains - DNS Records and SSL/TLS Certificates](
- [Part 4: Creating and tweaking `.gitlab-ci.yml` for GitLab Pages](
## Setting up GitLab Pages
For a complete step-by-step tutorial, please read the
blog post [Hosting on with GitLab Pages]( The following sections will explain
what do you need and why do you need them.
## What you need to get started
1. A project
1. A configuration file (`.gitlab-ci.yml`) to deploy your site
1. A specific `job` called `pages` in the configuration file
that will make GitLab aware that you are deploying a GitLab Pages website
Optional Features:
1. A custom domain or subdomain
1. A DNS pointing your (sub)domain to your Pages site
1. **Optional**: an SSL/TLS certificate so your custom
domain is accessible under HTTPS.
The optional settings, custom domain, DNS records, and SSL/TLS certificates, are described in [Part 3](
## Project
Your GitLab Pages project is a regular project created the
same way you do for the other ones. To get started with GitLab Pages, you have two ways:
- Fork one of the templates from Page Examples, or
- Create a new project from scratch
Let's go over both options.
### Fork a project to get started from
To make things easy for you, we've created this
[group]( of default projects
containing the most popular SSGs templates.
Watch the [video tutorial]( we've
created for the steps below.
1. Choose your SSG template
1. Fork a project from the [Pages group](
1. Remove the fork relationship by navigating to your **Project**'s **Settings** > **Edit Project**
![remove fork relashionship](img/remove_fork_relashionship.png)
1. Enable Shared Runners for your fork: navigate to your **Project**'s **Settings** > **CI/CD Pipelines**
1. Trigger a build (push a change to any file)
1. As soon as the build passes, your website will have been deployed with GitLab Pages. Your website URL will be available under your **Project**'s **Settings** > **Pages**
To turn a **project website** forked from the Pages group into a **user/group** website, you'll need to:
- Rename it to ``: navigate to **Project**'s **Settings** > **Edit Project** > **Rename repository**
- Adjust your SSG's [base URL](#urls-and-baseurls) to from `"project-name"` to `""`. This setting will be at a different place for each SSG, as each of them have their own structure and file tree. Most likelly, it will be in the SSG's config file.
> **Notes:**
>1. Why do I need to remove the fork relationship?
> Unless you want to contribute to the original project,
you won't need it connected to the upstream. A
is useful for submitting merge requests to the upstream.
> 2. Why do I need to enable Shared Runners?
> Shared Runners will run the script set by your GitLab CI
configuration file. They're enabled by default to new projects,
but not to forks.
### Create a project from scratch
1. From your **Project**'s **[Dashboard](**,
click **New project**, and name it considering the
[practical examples](
1. Clone it to your local computer, add your website
files to your project, add, commit and push to GitLab.
1. From the your **Project**'s page, click **Set up CI**:
![setup GitLab CI](img/setup_ci.png)
1. Choose one of the templates from the dropbox menu.
Pick up the template corresponding to the SSG you're using (or plain HTML).
![gitlab-ci templates](img/choose_ci_template.png)
Once you have both site files and `.gitlab-ci.yml` in your project's
root, GitLab CI will build your site and deploy it with Pages.
Once the first build passes, you see your site is live by
navigating to your **Project**'s **Settings** > **Pages**,
where you'll find its default URL.
> **Notes:**
> - GitLab Pages [supports any SSG](, but,
if you don't find yours among the templates, you'll need
to configure your own `.gitlab-ci.yml`. Do do that, please
read through the article [Creating and Tweaking `.gitlab-ci.yml` for GitLab Pages]( New SSGs are very welcome among
the [example projects]( If you set
up a new one, please
to our examples.
> - The second step _"Clone it to your local computer"_, can be done
differently, achieving the same results: instead of cloning the bare
repository to you local computer and moving your site files into it,
you can run `git init` in your local website directory, add the
remote URL: `git remote add origin`,
then add, commit, and push.
### URLs and Baseurls
Every Static Site Generator (SSG) default configuration expects
to find your website under a (sub)domain (``), not
in a subdirectory of that domain (``). Therefore,
whenever you publish a project website (``),
you'll have to look for this configuration (base URL) on your SSG's
documentation and set it up to reflect this pattern.
For example, for a Jekyll site, the `baseurl` is defined in the Jekyll
configuration file, `_config.yml`. If your website URL is
``, you need to add this line to `_config.yml`:
baseurl: "/blog"
On the contrary, if you deploy your website after forking one of
our [default examples](, the baseurl will
already be configured this way, as all examples there are project
websites. If you decide to make yours a user or group website, you'll
have to remove this configuration from your project. For the Jekyll
example we've just mentioned, you'd have to change Jekyll's `_config.yml` to:
baseurl: ""
### Custom Domains
GitLab Pages supports custom domains and subdomains, served under HTTPS or HTTPS.
Please check the [next part]( of this series for an overview.
|[**← Part 1: Static sites, domains, DNS records, and SSL/TLS certificates**](|[**Setting Up Custom Domains - DNS Records and SSL/TLS Certificates →**](|
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