BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 630c40b9 by Fatih Acet

Merge branch '22914-mini-graph-icons' into 'master'

Add new icon for skipped builds; show created state in mini graph ![Screen_Shot_2016-11-03_at_1.31.02_PM](/uploads/69be86d59f5939329cd869804e86cb87/Screen_Shot_2016-11-03_at_1.31.02_PM.png) ![Screen_Shot_2016-11-03_at_1.30.46_PM](/uploads/0d568ad94e3f072beb0728b402aa695a/Screen_Shot_2016-11-03_at_1.30.46_PM.png) Closes #22914 See merge request !7276
parents 257075e4 2471b01b
......@@ -46,6 +46,8 @@ entry.
- New issue board list dropdown stays open after adding a new list
- Fix: Backup restore doesn't clear cache
- Optimize Event queries by removing default order
- Add new icon for skipped builds
- Show created icon in pipeline mini-graph
- Remove duplicate links from sidebar
- API: Fix project deploy keys 400 and 500 errors when adding an existing key. !6784 (Joshua Welsh)
- Add Rake task to create/repair GitLab Shell hooks symlinks !5634
// CI icon colors
.ci-status-icon {
&-created {
fill: $gray-darkest;
&-canceled {
fill: $gl-text-color;
......@@ -47,8 +47,10 @@ module CiStatusHelper
when 'created'
when 'skipped'
......@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
- else
Cant find HEAD commit for this branch
- stages_status = pipeline.statuses.relevant.latest.stages_status
- stages_status = pipeline.statuses.latest.stages_status
- stages.each do |stage|
- status = stages_status[stage]
<svg xmlns="" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 14">
<svg xmlns="" width="14" height="14" class="ci-status-icon-canceled" viewBox="0 0 14 14">
<g fill="#5C5C5C" fill-rule="evenodd">
<path d="M12.5,7 C12.5,3.96243388 10.0375661,1.5 7,1.5 C3.96243388,1.5 1.5,3.96243388 1.5,7 C1.5,10.0375661 3.96243388,12.5 7,12.5 C10.0375661,12.5 12.5,10.0375661 12.5,7 Z M0,7 C0,3.13400675 3.13400675,0 7,0 C10.8659932,0 14,3.13400675 14,7 C14,10.8659932 10.8659932,14 7,14 C3.13400675,14 0,10.8659932 0,7 Z"/>
<rect width="8" height="2" x="3" y="6" transform="rotate(45 7 7)" rx=".5"/>
<svg xmlns="" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 14" enable-background="new 0 0 14 14"><path d="M12.5,7 C12.5,4 10,1.5 7,1.5 C4,1.5 1.5,4 1.5,7 C1.5,10 4,12.5 7,12.5 C10,12.5 12.5,10 12.5,7 L12.5,7 Z M0,7 C0,3.1 3.1,0 7,0 C10.9,0 14,3.1 14,7 C14,10.9 10.9,14 7,14 C3.1,14 0,10.9 0,7 L0,7 Z" /><circle cx="7" cy="7" r="3.25"/></svg>
<svg xmlns="" width="14" height="14" class="ci-status-icon-created" viewBox="0 0 14 14" enable-background="new 0 0 14 14"><path d="M12.5,7 C12.5,4 10,1.5 7,1.5 C4,1.5 1.5,4 1.5,7 C1.5,10 4,12.5 7,12.5 C10,12.5 12.5,10 12.5,7 L12.5,7 Z M0,7 C0,3.1 3.1,0 7,0 C10.9,0 14,3.1 14,7 C14,10.9 10.9,14 7,14 C3.1,14 0,10.9 0,7 L0,7 Z" /><circle cx="7" cy="7" r="3.25"/></svg>
<svg width="20" height="20" class="ci-status-icon-skipped" viewBox="0 0 20 20" xmlns=""><title>Group Copy 31</title><g fill="#5C5C5C" fill-rule="evenodd"><path d="M10 17.857c4.286 0 7.857-3.571 7.857-7.857S14.286 2.143 10 2.143 2.143 5.714 2.143 10 5.714 17.857 10 17.857M10 0c5.571 0 10 4.429 10 10s-4.429 10-10 10S0 15.571 0 10 4.429 0 10 0"/><path d="M10.986 11l-1.293 1.293a1 1 0 0 0 1.414 1.414l2.644-2.644a1.505 1.505 0 0 0 0-2.126l-2.644-2.644a1 1 0 0 0-1.414 1.414L10.986 9H6.4a1 1 0 0 0 0 2h4.586z"/></g></svg>
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