BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 5f0b7fe4 by Bryce Johnson

Stop injecting field errors where they won't be used.

parent b5cee666
......@@ -137,8 +137,11 @@
initValidators () {
// select all non-hidden inputs in form
this.state.inputs = this.form.find(':input:not([type=hidden])').toArray()
// register selectors here as needed
const validateSelectors = [':text', ':password', '[type=email]']
.map((selector) => `input${selector}`).join(',');
this.state.inputs = this.form.find(validateSelectors).toArray()
.filter((input) => !input.classList.contains(customValidationFlag))
.map((input) => new GlFieldError({ input, formErrors: this }));
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