BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 5ef8bd33 by Robert Speicher

Remove taskable.js

parent bc14d223
window.updateTaskState = (taskableType) ->
objType =
isChecked = $(this).prop("checked")
if $(this).is(":checked")
stateEvent = "task_check"
stateEvent = "task_uncheck"
taskableUrl = $("form.edit-" + objType).first().attr("action")
taskableNum = taskableUrl.match(/\d+$/)
taskNum = 0
$("li.task-list-item input:checkbox").each( (index, e) =>
if e == this
taskNum = index + 1
type: "PATCH"
url: taskableUrl
data: objType + "[state_event]=" + stateEvent +
"&" + objType + "[task_num]=" + taskNum
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