BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 5e1ac627 by winniehell

Add test coverage analysis for CoffeeScript (!5052)

parent 91030230
......@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
......@@ -222,7 +222,15 @@ teaspoon:
stage: test
<<: *use-db
- curl --silent --location | bash -
- apt-get install --assume-yes nodejs
- npm install --global istanbul
- teaspoon
name: coverage-javascript
expire_in: 31d
- coverage-javascript/default/
stage: test
......@@ -269,10 +277,12 @@ pages:
stage: pages
- coverage
- teaspoon
- mv public/ .public/
- mkdir public/
- mv coverage public/coverage-ruby
- mv coverage-javascript/default/ public/coverage-javascript/
- public
......@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ Teaspoon.configure do |config|
# Specify that you always want a coverage configuration to be used. Otherwise, specify that you want coverage
# on the CLI.
# Set this to "true" or the name of your coverage config.
# config.use_coverage = nil
config.use_coverage = true
# You can have multiple coverage configs by passing a name to config.coverage.
# e.g. config.coverage :ci do |coverage|
......@@ -158,15 +158,15 @@ Teaspoon.configure do |config|
# Which coverage reports Istanbul should generate. Correlates directly to what Istanbul supports.
# Available: text-summary, text, html, lcov, lcovonly, cobertura, teamcity
# coverage.reports = ["text-summary", "html"]
coverage.reports = ["text-summary", "html"]
# The path that the coverage should be written to - when there's an artifact to write to disk.
# Note: Relative to `config.root`.
# coverage.output_path = "coverage"
coverage.output_path = "coverage-javascript"
# Assets to be ignored when generating coverage reports. Accepts an array of filenames or regular expressions. The
# default excludes assets from vendor, gems and support libraries.
# coverage.ignore = [%r{/lib/ruby/gems/}, %r{/vendor/assets/}, %r{/support/}, %r{/(.+)_helper.}]
coverage.ignore = [%r{vendor/}, %r{spec/}]
# Various thresholds requirements can be defined, and those thresholds will be checked at the end of a run. If any
# aren't met the run will fail with a message. Thresholds can be defined as a percentage (0-100), or nil.
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