BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 5bae15be by Thomas Moschny

Fix avatars in the network graph for relative-url setups.

parent f88d30fa
......@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ class BranchGraph
stroke: @colors[]
"stroke-width": 2
r.image(, avatar_box_x, avatar_box_y, 20, 20)
r.image(gon.relative_url_root +, avatar_box_x, avatar_box_y, 20, 20)
r.text(@offsetX + @unitSpace * @mspace + 35, y, commit.message.split("\n")[0]).attr(
"text-anchor": "start"
font: "14px Monaco, monospace"
......@@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ class BranchGraph
Raphael::commitTooltip = (x, y, commit) ->
boxWidth = 300
boxHeight = 200
icon = @image(, x, y, 20, 20)
icon = @image(gon.relative_url_root +, x, y, 20, 20)
nameText = @text(x + 25, y + 10,
idText = @text(x, y + 35,
messageText = @text(x, y + 50, commit.message)
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