BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 568d1c27 by Raffael Schmid

refactor omniauth configuration method

This refactoring allows a user to use omniauth providers which do not use ```app_id``` and ```app_secret``` without needing to change the devise configuration.
parent e2dbe0fa
......@@ -227,15 +227,21 @@ Devise.setup do |config|
Gitlab.config.omniauth.providers.each do |provider|
provider_arguments = []
%w[app_id app_secret].each do |argument|
provider_arguments << provider[argument] if provider[argument]
case provider['args']
when Array
# An Array from the configuration will be expanded.
config.omniauth provider['name'].to_sym, provider['app_id'], provider['app_secret'], *provider['args']
provider_arguments.concat provider['args']
when Hash
# A Hash from the configuration will be passed as is.
config.omniauth provider['name'].to_sym, provider['app_id'], provider['app_secret'], provider['args']
config.omniauth provider['name'].to_sym, provider['app_id'], provider['app_secret']
provider_arguments << provider['args']
config.omniauth provider['name'].to_sym, *provider_arguments
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