BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 5689e8a0 by Paco Guzman

Avoid commit lookup on diff_helper

parent 023d4812
......@@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ v 8.11.0 (unreleased)
- Sensible state specific default sort order for issues and merge requests !5453 (tomb0y)
- Fix RequestProfiler::Middleware error when code is reloaded in development
- Catch what warden might throw when profiling requests to re-throw it
- Avoid commit lookup on diff_helper passing existing local variable to the helper method
- Add description to new_issue email and new_merge_request_email in text/plain content type. !5663 (dixpac)
- Speed up and reduce memory usage of Commit#repo_changes, Repository#expire_avatar_cache and IrkerWorker
- Add unfold links for Side-by-Side view. !5415 (Tim Masliuchenko)
......@@ -109,11 +109,10 @@ module DiffHelper
def diff_file_html_data(project, diff_file)
commit = commit_for_diff(diff_file)
def diff_file_html_data(project, diff_file_path, diff_commit_id)
blob_diff_path: namespace_project_blob_diff_path(project.namespace, project,
tree_join(, diff_file.file_path)),
tree_join(diff_commit_id, diff_file_path)),
view: diff_view
.diff-file.file-holder{id: "diff-#{index}", data: diff_file_html_data(project, diff_file)}
.diff-file.file-holder{id: "diff-#{index}", data: diff_file_html_data(project, diff_file.file_path,}
.file-title{id: "file-path-#{hexdigest(diff_file.file_path)}"}
= render "projects/diffs/file_header", diff_file: diff_file, blob: blob, diff_commit: diff_commit, project: project, url: "#diff-#{index}"
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