BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 54ded5d9 by Ciro Santilli

Continue strings with backslash instead of append

parent 7371c9e2
......@@ -26,11 +26,11 @@ describe SlackMessage do
it 'returns a message regarding pushes' do
subject.pretext.should ==
'user_name pushed to branch <url/commits/master|master> of ' <<
'user_name pushed to branch <url/commits/master|master> of '\
'<url|project_name> (<url/compare/before...after|Compare changes>)'
subject.attachments.should == [
text: "<url1|abcdefghi>: message1 - author1\n" <<
text: "<url1|abcdefghi>: message1 - author1\n"\
"<url2|123456789>: message2 - author2",
color: color,
......@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ describe SlackMessage do
it 'returns a message regarding a new branch' do
subject.pretext.should ==
'user_name pushed new branch <url/commits/master|master> to ' <<
'user_name pushed new branch <url/commits/master|master> to '\
subject.attachments.should be_empty
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