BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 4de883bc by Z.J. van de Weg

Use GrapeDSL for commits

parent cb8654e8
......@@ -6,33 +6,40 @@ module API
before { authenticate! }
before { authorize! :download_code, user_project }
params do
requires :id, type: String, desc: 'The ID of a project'
resource :projects do
# Get a project repository commits
# Parameters:
# id (required) - The ID of a project
# ref_name (optional) - The name of a repository branch or tag, if not given the default branch is used
# since (optional) - Only commits after or in this date will be returned
# until (optional) - Only commits before or in this date will be returned
# Example Request:
# GET /projects/:id/repository/commits
desc 'Get a project repository commits' do
success Entities::RepoCommit
params do
optional :ref_name, type: String, desc: 'The name of a repository branch or tag, if not given the default branch is used'
optional :since, type: String, desc: 'Only commits after or in this date will be returned'
optional :until, type: String, desc: 'Only commits before or in this date will be returned'
optional :page, type: Integer, default: 0, desc: 'The page for pagination'
optional :per_page, type: Integer, default: 20, desc: 'The number of results per page'
get ":id/repository/commits" do
# TODO remove the next line for 9.0, use DateTime type in the params block
datetime_attributes! :since, :until
page = (params[:page] || 0).to_i
per_page = (params[:per_page] || 20).to_i
ref = params[:ref_name] || user_project.try(:default_branch) || 'master'
after = params[:since]
before = params[:until]
offset = params[:page] * params[:per_page]
commits = user_project.repository.commits(ref,
limit: params[:per_page],
offset: offset,
after: params[:since],
before: params[:until])
commits = user_project.repository.commits(ref, limit: per_page, offset: page * per_page, after: after, before: before)
present commits, with: Entities::RepoCommit
desc 'Commit multiple file changes as one commit' do
success Entities::RepoCommitDetail
detail 'This feature was introduced in GitLab 8.13'
params do
requires :id, type: Integer, desc: 'The project ID'
requires :branch_name, type: String, desc: 'The name of branch'
......@@ -41,7 +48,6 @@ module API
optional :author_email, type: String, desc: 'Author email for commit'
optional :author_name, type: String, desc: 'Author name for commit'
post ":id/repository/commits" do
authorize! :push_code, user_project
......@@ -65,79 +71,82 @@ module API
# Get a specific commit of a project
# Parameters:
# id (required) - The ID of a project
# sha (required) - The commit hash or name of a repository branch or tag
# Example Request:
# GET /projects/:id/repository/commits/:sha
desc 'Get a specific commit of a project' do
success Entities::RepoCommitDetail
failure [[404, 'Not Found']]
params do
requires :sha, type: String, desc: 'A commit sha, or the name of a branch or tag'
get ":id/repository/commits/:sha" do
sha = params[:sha]
commit = user_project.commit(sha)
commit = user_project.commit(params[:sha])
not_found! "Commit" unless commit
present commit, with: Entities::RepoCommitDetail
# Get the diff for a specific commit of a project
# Parameters:
# id (required) - The ID of a project
# sha (required) - The commit or branch name
# Example Request:
# GET /projects/:id/repository/commits/:sha/diff
desc 'Get the diff for a specific commit of a project' do
failure [[404, 'Not Found']]
params do
requires :sha, type: String, desc: 'A commit sha, or the name of a branch or tag'
get ":id/repository/commits/:sha/diff" do
sha = params[:sha]
commit = user_project.commit(sha)
commit = user_project.commit(params[:sha])
not_found! "Commit" unless commit
# Get a commit's comments
# Parameters:
# id (required) - The ID of a project
# sha (required) - The commit hash
# Examples:
# GET /projects/:id/repository/commits/:sha/comments
desc "Get a commit's comments" do
success Entities::CommitNote
failure [[404, 'Not Found']]
params do
requires :sha, type: String, desc: 'A commit sha, or the name of a branch or tag'
optional :per_page, type: Integer, desc: 'The amount of items per page for paginaion'
optional :page, type: Integer, desc: 'The page number for pagination'
get ':id/repository/commits/:sha/comments' do
sha = params[:sha]
commit = user_project.commit(sha)
commit = user_project.commit(params[:sha])
not_found! 'Commit' unless commit
notes = Note.where(commit_id:
present paginate(notes), with: Entities::CommitNote
# Post comment to commit
# Parameters:
# id (required) - The ID of a project
# sha (required) - The commit hash
# note (required) - Text of comment
# path (optional) - The file path
# line (optional) - The line number
# line_type (optional) - The type of line (new or old)
# Examples:
# POST /projects/:id/repository/commits/:sha/comments
desc 'Post comment to commit' do
success Entities::CommitNote
params do
requires :sha, type: String, regexp: /\A\h{6,40}\z/, desc: "The commit's SHA"
requires :note, type: String, desc: 'The text of the comment'
optional :path, type: String, desc: 'The file path'
given :path do
requires :line, type: Integer, desc: 'The line number'
requires :line_type, type: String, values: ['new', 'old'], default: 'new', desc: 'The type of the line'
post ':id/repository/commits/:sha/comments' do
required_attributes! [:note]
sha = params[:sha]
commit = user_project.commit(sha)
commit = user_project.commit(params[:sha])
not_found! 'Commit' unless commit
opts = {
note: params[:note],
noteable_type: 'Commit',
if params[:path] && params[:line] && params[:line_type]
if params[:path]
commit.raw_diffs(all_diffs: true).each do |diff|
next unless diff.new_path == params[:path]
lines =
lines.each do |line|
next unless line.new_pos == params[:line].to_i && line.type == params[:line_type]
next unless line.new_pos == params[:line] && line.type == params[:line_type]
break opts[:line_code] = Gitlab::Diff::LineCode.generate(diff.new_path, line.new_pos, line.old_pos)
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