BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 4d187825 by Robert Speicher

Typo: Issueable -> Issuable

parent 8e6fa255
......@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
#= require shortcuts
#= require shortcuts_navigation
#= require shortcuts_dashboard_navigation
#= require shortcuts_issueable
#= require shortcuts_issuable
#= require shortcuts_network
#= require cal-heatmap
#= require_tree .
......@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ class Dispatcher
shortcut_handler = new ShortcutsNavigation()
when 'projects:issues:show'
new Issue()
shortcut_handler = new ShortcutsIssueable()
shortcut_handler = new ShortcutsIssuable()
new ZenMode()
when 'projects:milestones:show'
new Milestone()
......@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ class Dispatcher
new IssuableForm($('.merge-request-form'))
when 'projects:merge_requests:show'
new Diff()
shortcut_handler = new ShortcutsIssueable()
shortcut_handler = new ShortcutsIssuable()
new ZenMode()
when "projects:merge_requests:diffs"
new Diff()
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
#= require shortcuts_navigation
class @ShortcutsIssueable extends ShortcutsNavigation
class @ShortcutsIssuable extends ShortcutsNavigation
constructor: (isMergeRequest) ->
Mousetrap.bind('a', ->
#= require jquery
#= require jasmine-fixture
#= require shortcuts_issueable
#= require shortcuts_issuable
describe 'ShortcutsIssueable', ->
describe 'ShortcutsIssuable', ->
beforeEach ->
@shortcut = new ShortcutsIssueable()
@shortcut = new ShortcutsIssuable()
describe '#replyWithSelectedText', ->
# Stub window.getSelection to return the provided String.
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